EDS - Key Persons
Job Titles:
- Scientific Director - Founder
Dr Farhat gained her DDS in 2010 from the Lebanese University and then gained further qualifications in periodontology and implantology, and oral surgery from University of Nantes and Toulouse III university in France ; in 2011 she obtained a Master degree in Implantology and oral Rehabilitation from New York University . Dr. Farhat has worked in private practice at Swiss smile dental clinic, Beirut, Lebanon since 2013, specializing in periodontology and implantology. Since 2013, She has also worked in the Periodontology department at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, The Lebanese University, where she holds now a position of head of clinic. Dr. Farhat is currently general secretary of the Lebanese society of Periodontology. She has been an invited speaker at congresses and meetings in many countries, an has been also Lecturer and Jury Member of Oral and Maxillofacial Implantology at Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse from 2013 till 2018. She is the Treasurer of the International Academy of Oral Implantology and she is Author and co-author of many international publications.
Dr Georges Khoury was awarded his DDS by the University of Nantes in 1987 and he has since specialized in implantology. After working in the Department of Implantology, Faculty of Medicine, Lille University II, Dr. Khoury joined the Implantology Unit, Faculty of Dental Surgery, University of Paris VII in 2002, where he has had responsibility for pre-implant bone reconstruction and is now scientific director of the Pre-Implant Bone Reconstruction Clinic. Dr. Khoury also works in private practice, specializing in implant surgery. From 2008 to 2010, Dr. Khoury served as President of the Société Française de Dentisterie Esthétique (French Society of Aesthetic Dentistry). He is also a member of the French Society of Oral Surgery and the French Implantology Association and an associate member of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry
He is a co-editor of Sinus Grafting techniques : Step by step guide - Springer ,and he is also the author of many international publications and a worldwide speaker who've been invited to lecture on podium at many international congresses .