Antônio José de Miranda Magalhães

Antônio José de Miranda Magalhães, or simply "Miranda" as he is known, holds a Bachelor's and Postgraduate Degree in Law, a Master's Degree in Animal Sciences from the University of Brasília - Brazil and is part of the group of researchers in the research line "Dogs of interest detection in the public service" with the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) of the Ministry of Science, Technology , Innovations and Communications (MCTI) of Brazil. He is a Special Agent of the Federal Police of Brazil (PF) Retired, after 33 years of service. He joined the PF Central Kennel in 1989, where he worked for 19 years. He was Head of that unit for 14 years, until 2014. He has more than 30 years of experience in training and studying dogs, as well as courses and technical visits in countries such as Germany, USA, Colombia, Holland and Israel. He is an Instructor for Instructor and Operator Courses for Drug and Explosive Detector Dogs, trained in the German police (NRW). In that same police, he specialized in the Selection, Evaluation and Conditioning of puppies and young dogs of a Police Dog Breeding Program. In the years 2010 and 2011 he coordinated teams of police officers to participate with PF explosive detection dogs in Certification processes in the USA (NAPWDA-Ohio). He acted in the planning and was Coordinator of the canine teams of the PF, for the security inspections of national and foreign authorities and competitors, in all the important events from 2010 to 2014, such as the 12th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (2010), the Presidential Inauguration (2010/2011), the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development - Rio + 20 (2012), the FIFA Confederations Cup (2013), the World Youth Day (2013) and the FIFA World Cup (2014). He has courses in sensitive areas such as Anti-terrorism by PF and First Response in QBRNE Threats by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and in the administrative area about ​​Competency Management and Project Management. In the dog sports, he was a Schutzhund/IPO/IGP competitor, helper and track layer. He was an International IGP/CBKC/FCI Judge. In 2019, he provided training and consultancy services to the National Center for Detection Dogs (CNCD) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply of Brazil (MAPA), aimed at inspecting agricultural threats. He currently provides personnel and dog training services for the company ArcelorMittal do Brasil in Vitória-ES and consultancy for the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) in a project with the CNCD / MAPA.