Carey Westwood

In 1994, Carey Westwood made her first trip from Australia to Africa, a significant journey that would shape her life's direction. She became involved in fundraising for orphaned children, mothers and grandmothers living in Kenya and Uganda. She saw that caring and compassionate local women, many living in the very same impoverished communities, helped people living in economic poverty. These women were respected grassroots leaders, known for their kindness and care towards people living on the margins of society. They influenced their local communities for a common good. After several years working within international and community development across Africa and in Kenya, Carey with Co-Founder, Wanjiru Waithaka founded Manasprings.

Wanjiru Waithaka

Wanjiru Waithaka has worked for over twenty years within community development. With her family, she played an integral role in the establishment and operation of two children's centres, a community school and churches in Kenya. Her in-depth understanding and experience, collected over many years of helping vulnerable children and people living in poverty, led Wanjiru to expand her work into several other African nations. Wanjiru is an inspiring Kenyan woman, who believes wholeheartedly in the empowerment of women in leadership and the importance of networking with like-minded leaders to solve the issues of poverty.