M.E.T.T.A - GROW - Key Persons

Dinesh Arora

Job Titles:
  • Systemic Team Coach
As a Leadership and Systemic Team Coach, Dinesh works with C -Suite Executives, Corporate leaders, Mid Career Professionals, various teams and Business owners in helping them to embrace change and to transform. The M.E.T.T.A-Grow Model, has been thoughtfully defined to enable the self-transformation of a leader. His clients work with him to enhance their leadership, executive presence, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, people management skills, decision-making, and communication. His clients also work with him to address stress, conflict, limiting beliefs, and fears. the personal rewards are innumerable - deeper connection to those people that matter the most, invigorated relationships, and enriched purpose and satisfaction in the work of leadership His clients work with him to enhance their leadership, executive presence, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, people management skills, decision-making, and communication. His clients also work with him to address stress, conflict, limiting beliefs, and fears. the personal rewards are innumerable - deeper connection to those people that matter the most, invigorated relationships, and enriched purpose and satisfaction in the work of leadership The benefits from his coaching practice are many - enhanced performance and productivity, Increased self-awareness, Thinking Better, Making Wise Decisions, pursuing your passion, leading confidently, attend to well-being, changing life and achieving goals Dinesh Arora integrates his experience of over 25 years in the IT industry along with a passionate journey as an entrepreneur in the Micro-Brewery sector. This journey has allowed Dinesh to develop the keen ability to work with individuals and view their impact on an organisation. His credentials include -