Jose Lewis

Jose is a sportsperson, writer and a researcher. He's also the owner of this site. For 20 years Jose is playing skating, and in his state Arizona, he's popular for that. He's not creating Scooterguider for his portfolio. The main goal of his creating this site is to share his knowledge and experiences with others who love skating. In his long sports career, he saw a lot of people wants to play skateboard but due to proper guidelines they got eliminate from the beginning of their journey. That's what influence Jose to create this site and he's going to share each and every single thing that is relevant to the skateboarding sport.

Roger S. Maglione

Roger is the voice of our Scooterguider site. He's the chief advisor of our team. It's been almost 12 years and more that Roger starts his writing career. Before joining us, Roger worked for some popular writing agencies and magazine firms. We hired him in our team and made him our writing head just because of his excellence in writing. He makes things very clear to the audience, and whatever he writes, he writes from the depth of his heart.

Victor G. Miller

Job Titles:
  • Chief
  • Editor
Victor is the chief editor of Scooterguider. He works as a technical adviser for a renowned skateboard and longboard manufacturing company. That's why he knows almost everything about skateboard, longboards, and their accessories. We hired Victor because of his depth of knowledge and experience with skateboards and longboards. He's the man who's actually considered as the fuel of this site. Under his supervision, our experts are conducted their research and investigation.