Denis Gursky

Denis Gursky is an impact tech advocate who believes in tech and emerging markets. Having worked in international NGOs, businesses, and government, Denis absorbed and implemented the best ideas for digital development. His specialization is vision-driven projects that involve multi-lateral partnerships, are very public, and have a high impact on society, the economy, or both.

Viktor Gurskyi

Job Titles:
  • Impact Entrepreneur, CEO, and Co - Founder
  • Tech Expert and Co - Founder of the International Civic Tech Organization
Viktor Gurskyi is an impact tech expert and co-founder of the international civic tech organization SocialBoost, which brings together startups and technical expertise with governments and civil society to solve problems in developing economies. Viktor coordinates the development of IT services and programs for cities and communities that promote digitalization and participation. The most famous case in e-democracy is the Hromadsky Project platform, which automates participatory budgets for Ukrainian cities and communities. Viktor's team is also working on the Dosvit platform, which allows communities to create their modern websites, demonstrate investment potential and offer citizens the necessary applications in the field of participation. Viktor takes an active part in developing and implementing programs of the flagship project of SocialBoost - 1991 Accelerator. Ukraine's first and largest pipeline accelerator focusing on impact tech helps turn ideas into real startups that provide services to citizens, businesses, and government bodies.