Updated 8 days ago
734 Riverbend Blvd Longwood FL 32779
We provide automatic trading of our Gold Sentiment Turning Point Algo. The algo connects to an MT4 Trading Platform. In the near future, we will also connect to Gold Futures Accounts, at Interactive Brokers, TD Ameritrade, and other platforms...
Prices are determined by a host of factors that form the expectations of market participants. Bullish and bearish sentiments play an important role in forming those expectations. Our objective is to measure market sentiment by the examination of what is being written about a particular market. We do that by using high-frequency data, advanced text mining techniques, and artificial intelligence algorithms. Our ongoing sentiment research focuses on the gold market and the sentiment that surrounds it. The "temperature" of the gold market is available in the Hanke-Cofnas Gold Sentiment Report.
Also known as: The Gold Sentiment Report