VPN - Key Persons

Alexander Maier

Job Titles:
  • Experienced Web Designer & Online Marketer
Alexander is at home in the internet and has excellent knowledge of new online technologies. He not only designs websites, but also deals with technology and marketing. He definitely knows his way around the functionality of a website builder. Although he's not yet using the building software privately, he often deals with it as part of his work. He particularly uses building software to test websites, design, and evaluate new design attempts.

Andreas Schmidt

Job Titles:
  • Founder of an Internet Start - Up Company
Andreas is our most experienced editor with over 20 years of experience in the online industry. Andreas places great value in high-quality antivirus software. He is well versed in the technology, both professionally and in private life. His area of expertise lies in evaluating antivirus software, particularly particularly in regard to online browsing and real-time protection. Due to his years of experience with different antivirus providers and software, Andreas is good at assessing which antivirus software is best suited for which purpose.

John Maxfield

John is our globetrotter and currently lives in New York. For his work, John travels to many countries and likes to share his travel experiences via our tested VPN providers. John has excellent knowledge of geo-blocking in various countries and of different streaming services. He is our expert when it comes to evaluating VPN providers in terms of evading firewalls as well as data encryption in public networks. In John's opinion, a VPN provider primarily needs to work in a simple and secure way. He recommends trusted-vpn.com if you are looking for a suitable VPN.

Roland Neubauer

Roland has worked in the IT industry for 15 years and is a father of 2 children. He is an enthusiastic streaming fan and knows nearly all episodes and seasons of Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead by heart. These days, he prefers streaming via Netflix or YouTube to watching TV, because this allows him to access current seasons without delay. Roland is our video expert, since he uses a wide range of video software, both professionally and in his spare time.