WTM - Key Persons

Amanuel Ghebremicael - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
manuel is a product expert at a leading technology company, working with anywhere from their smallest businesses to their largest enterprises to resolve their advertising pain-points. Prior to this role, Amanuel worked as Strategic Partnership & Advocacy Chair of the Georgetown Scholarship Program and as Director of Logistics for Georgetown Aspiring Minority Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs. Outside of work, Amanuel is passionate about food, travel, and expanding his experience within the tech space.

Justus Pugh - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
Justus currently works for a financial technology firm that works at the intersections of cannabis, social equity, and debt capital. Prior to this role, Justus worked for the Sustainable Student Impact team at the Beeck Center for Social Impact and Innovation, Global Marketing Solutions Group at Facebook, and Institutional Equity S&T at JP Morgan. Outside of work, Justus is a creative writer and poet.