XSIGHTLAB - Key Persons


Job Titles:
Alessandro Canossa has extensive experience in game analytics. He led the analytics team at Ubisoft leading several great case studies and methods innovations, which he presented on at Game Developers Conference (see his talk) as well as other conferences. In addition to being the co-founder of XSightlab along with Islam and Magy, he is also an associate professor in the Institute of Visual Design at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design, and Conservation; and serves as Czar of Player Experience at modl.ai.

Islam Nashaat - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
Islam Nashaat is co-founder of Xsightlab. Islam has extensive experience and knowledge in management and business. He founded and sold his first business in the food industry in 2016. He is interested in the use of data and artificial intelligence techniques to help design better products.

Magy Seif El-Nasr - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Professor at University of California
Magy Seif El-Nasr is a professor at University of California at Santa Cruz as well as co-Founder of Xsightlab. She has extensive knowledge of game user research and game analytics. She published over 150 papers on the subject of game science and research. She is one of the pioneers of the game research field. Her book (co-authors with Dr. Drachen and Dr. Canossa) Game Analytics was the first book on the topic and received over 190,000 downloads. She has received several awards and recognition within the game research community, notably: four Best Paper Awards and one honorable mention. She was named as a HEVGA (Higher Education Video Game Alliance) Fellow for her work and leadership within the field.