BODYMOTIV8 - Key Persons

Jane Torvaney

Job Titles:
  • Chartered Physiotherapist
I have more than 25 years' experience as a Chartered Physiotherapist, in the NHS and the private sector. In 2001 I spent time in Colorado studying Structural Integration, a form of bodywork, which involves ‘hands on' techniques to realign the body, reduce pain and improve function, including sporting performance. This work, also known as ‘Rolfing', is a preferred treatment in the United States, alongside Physiotherapy and Osteopathy, and is used by many professional athletes. The core of my work is finding and treating the root cause of my client's problem; taking time to listen, assess and using lots of gentle ‘hands on' techniques.

Lee Spendiff

Job Titles:
  • Director of Bodymotiv8, Personal Trainer and Sports Therapist
I believe that exercise can be fun and beneficial to your health, at the same time. Whatever your age, fitness level or limitations, you can improve the quality of your life. By following your personal training programme, you will feel empowered as you become more confident, energised and, simultaneously, relaxed. As Director of Bodymotiv8, I have over 10 years of personal training experience and specialise in injury rehabilitation and sports massage. Qualifications: BSc (Hons) Applied Sports Therapy Diploma Sports Therapy Injury Rehabilitation Diploma Level 3 Personal Trainer Level 3 Fitness Trainer Certificate in Sports and Remedial Massage Acupuncture First aid Nutrition and weight management Peripheral mobilisations

Mark McIntosh

Job Titles:
  • Personal Trainer and Sports Therapist
I have been employed as a Personal Trainer for over five years, however have been training myself for over 10 years. My work experience began at a hotel gym, where I worked for four years, and carried out fitness tests and designed training programmes for our clients. Since then, I have been employed by Fitness First and JJB Sports, where I gained my first experience of Personal Training, and have worked at Bodymotiv8 for over five years. Qualifications: BSc (Hons) Sports, Health and Exercise HND Sports Coaching Award Qualified Remedial and Sports Massage RockTape Tool Assisted Massage (IAM) Kinetic Chain Release