Dr Alan Marshall

Job Titles:
  • Director of the Research Training Centre of the School of Social
Dr Alan Marshall is the Director of the Research Training Centre of the School of Social and Political Science and social statistician by training. Having extensive expertise in combining interdisciplinary large data from various sources to better understand health and social inequalities, Dr Marshall leads the quantitative part of our research.

Dr Helen Packwood

Dr Helen Packwood, has considerable expertise in longitudinal qualitative research and mixed methods approaches, and in educational inequalities-research. Dr Packwood contributes to the qualitative aspect of our project and the cross-component triangulation. She is assisted by Ms. Joanna Sakali.

Dr Ingela Naumann

Job Titles:
  • Principal Investigator
Dr Ingela Naumann, the Principal Investigator, is Senior Lecturer in Social Policy and internationally recognized expert on comparative childcare systems-analysis, policy and practice; she also holds extensive experience in translating research into policy impact (e.g. as organiser on the RSE Early Years Programme). Besides project management, Dr Naumann leads on both the qualitative and community research, while liaising with project-partners and her wide research and policy-networks to maximize impact.

Dr Kevin Ralston

Dr Kevin Ralston has published extensively on quantitative analysis of social inequality and has considerable experience of working across datasets especially complex survey data. He conducts statistical analyses in the quantitative team of our project, complemented by Dr Victoria Gorton's research and quantitative methods skills.

Dr Vicky Gorton

Job Titles:
  • Research Associate
Dr Vicky Gorton is a research associate on the study, contributing to the quantitative and co-production elements of the project. Her research has previously focused on the learning-teaching of quantitative methods and their application in the social sciences. Having worked most recently for the Scottish Government, she brings to the project a detailed understanding of policy-making processes and COVID legislation.

Miss Joanna Sakali

Job Titles:
  • Research Assistant
Miss Joanna Sakali is a research assistant of the project and contributes to the qualitative part of the study. Her academic background consists of political science, public policy and economic studies as well as postgraduate training on research methods. Having worked in public policy in Greece, at community-based organisations and most recently at Ipsos MORI data collection and charting team, Miss Sakali contributes to the project by her policy understanding and extensive experience on qualitative data collection.

Mr Mick Doyle

Job Titles:
  • Head of Programmes Scottish Community Development Centre )
Mick's work experience includes: supporting communities to implement GIRFEC and influence Children and Young People legislation. He has supported academic research on refugee integration, health inequalities and community impact of serious organised crime and many community led action research projects. He also has extensive experience of community and partnership responses to the pandemic. Mick's co-production and community-engagement expertise will maximize the reach of our research at community and national policy-frameworks level.

Mr Paul Nelis

Paul has an extensive background in community development through his work for Greater Easterhouse Social Inclusion Partnership and Scottish Enterprise (Glasgow & Ayrshire) before joining Scottish Community Development Centre. With over 20 years experience, he has a particular interest in community research, community-led health improvement, community engagement (planning & methods), strategic planning and evaluation. Paul brings his considerable expertise on co-production and community-engagement together with Mick to maximize the effectiveness of our community research and its scaling up for national policy-frameworks.