Jonathan Ober

Jonathan Ober is a husband, father, and gamer at heart. Gaming on the Atari and NES in his early years, Jonathan has owned and played a lot of the now considered retro consoles and a plethora of games over the nearly four decades of his life. Currently, Jonathan and his family of gamers enjoy the Nintendo Switch, Xbox, PC, and Oculus Quest 2. When Jonathan isn't gaming he runs a small website design and development company, Creative Coding Group, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. On-off hours, Jonathan plays and reviews games for and

Sergio Acevedo

Sergio Acevedo is a family man, having imparted his love of gaming to both his son and daughter. Atari was his introduction to video games but with Nintendo, he formed a long-lasting love that he continues to share to this day. Sergio is based in Peachtree City, GA, where he aims to help developers with his Business Management background and experience in Knowledge, Problem, and Project Management for a Fortune 500 company. These days he normally talks himself out of adding anything more to his more than 3,000+ hours of FFXIV playtime.