HYVALUE - Key Persons

Arvid Nøttvedt

Job Titles:
  • Advisor
As a strategic advisor in NORCE Energy & technology, Arvid Nøttvedt will have a supportive role in the FME HyValue during the start-up phase. Arvid has more than twenty years of experience with the oil and gas industry and for the past eighteen years he has been in the research business. He is a former coordinator of the FME-SUCCESS centre on CO2 storage and has extensive managerial experience. He will assist the management team in setting up the centre and preparing for running operations.

Fionn Iversen

Job Titles:
  • Centre Director
  • Chief Scientist in NORCE Energy
Fionn Iversen is chief scientist in NORCE Energy, working for 20 years in the energy domain. He holds a PhD in materials technology and MScs in applied mathematics and technical physics. Iversen has managed multiple national and international research and development projects, with industrial automation as a key focus, also taking part in commercialisation of research results. Recently Iversen has working on project development and management of hydrogen-related projects, within such areas as production and maritime application. while also acting as the director of the Norwegian Centre for Geothermal Energy Research.

Jonas Solbakken

Job Titles:
  • Centre Coordinator
  • Senior Researcher in NORCE Energy
Jonas Solbakken is a senior researcher in NORCE Energy & technology division. Solbakken holds a PhD in petroleum technology, and has been conducting experimental-based research for more than 10 years. Solbakken has mostly been working on challenges involving porous media flow, including EOR methods, CO2 injectivity and more recently on hydrogen storage. Today, Solbakken is the center coordinator for HyValue, which is a Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) on Hydrogen lead by NORCE.