INTEGRASIA - Key Persons

Edi Suryo Broto - President

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • President
Edi Suryo Broto as Founder of PT Integra Kreasitama Solusindo has started his professional and entrepreneur career in an Indonesian conglomerate company engaged in multi-sector industry, with more than 20 years of experience He mostly handles various industries in TMT Business (Telecommunication, Media & Technology). With his experience and expertise he was developing the ICT business & Digital Technology to deliver various solutions related to industrial digitization. Currently He appointed become Deputy of President Director of FCORP to manage 7 core industry which focus on ICT & Digital, Infrastructure, Trading Property, Hospitality, F&B and Investment.

F. Herry Kustono

Job Titles:
  • Director

H. Muhammad Fitno - President

Job Titles:
  • Commissioner
  • President