Adriana Hudson

Job Titles:
  • Social Media Digital Strategy
We could get into Adriana's mermaid-like passion for scuba diving, or how she's originally from South America…um, no wait that one's actually really relevant to you because she often uses her cultural perspective and fluency in multiple languages to craft social media campaigns tailored to multicultural audiences. Oh, and she has a background in Neuroscience, which is very handy when it comes to content creation, social media strategy, and reporting/analytics.

Jill King

Job Titles:
  • Planning Marketing Strategy
Jill is a world traveler and fancies her self a world-class food critic, but you might be more interested to know she's a seasoned multidiscipline marketing and advertising executive with strategic planning, project management, client development, sales, production, and event management superpowers [this is not clever copywriting either, as Jill has pulled off a multi-city, virtual-reality experiential tour for Zaxby's at NCAA football games, and the national Wild Turkey Nevertamed Bourbon Tour complete with a multi-million-dollar tasting bus and Jimmy Russell himself.

Kim Farlow

Job Titles:
  • Public Relations
We don't know what's more impressive, Kim's Zen-like Bikram yoga postures or her PHD-like knowledge of ancient Mayan civilization. Oh, wait, yes we do, her 30 + years crafting strategic communications solutions to address complex business challenges for her client partners. Kim is an expert in public relations planning, internal communications, crisis communications, and special event execution. She also has deep community relations experience and has brokered numerous non-traditional partnerships. Plus, she served as an adjunct professor at VCU's Robertson School of Media and Culture-and received one of the PR industry's highest honors: the Thomas Jefferson Award for Public Relations Excellence.