PRISM - Key Persons

Amanda Greer

Job Titles:
  • Accounting Manager
Amanda's title may be Accounting Manager, but she is really our resident jack-of-all-trades for business administration. She is responsible for everything pertaining to firm accounting and finances. She is also very active in our client service, marketing, and business development efforts, including working with clients who want to leverage PRISM's minority status on their projects. Ever since working for a finance company to fulfill a business class requirement, Amanda has had an affinity for numbers. She held accounting roles for a global engineering firm and software developer before joining Houston engineering firm Shah Smith. There she helped lead setting up processes, records, and documentation procedures in preparation of the firm doubling its employee count and revenue. Amanda's role included HR support and business strategy. The care and commitment Amanda places on her work is magnified a thousandfold at home. She and her husband dote on their big family; with six of their kids in school, ranging from middle school to college, and two kids under the age of two, they stay very busy! You can find Amanda outside enjoying the sunshine every chance she gets.

Deborah Gross

Job Titles:
  • Vice President, Business Development
With more than 10 years of sales and business development experience, Deborah has a knack for strategically connecting clients. For PRISM, she will lead the development of external business relationships and work with prospective clients to understand their business goals. In addition to representing PRISM in the development and design industry associations, Deborah is active in the following professional organizations: NAIOP, ULI, CoreNet, ACRP, SMPS and Vistage. Deborah graduated from Sam Houston State University with a BA in Marketing. When Deborah isn't being the "face" of PRISM, she is taking care of her infant daughter and two dogs or watching movies with her husband. She loves an active lifestyle that keeps her fit and ready to take on new challenges.

Jill Solis

Job Titles:
  • Marketing Coordinator
Jill brings 15+ years of marketing experience to PRISM. She is responsible for growing the firm's name recognition and position as a value-driven service partner. She previously worked with new and start-up companies, giving her unique insight into understanding market needs and how to provide top notch service to growing organizations. After working a short time for a child-focused non-profit organization and then starting her family, Jill became passionate about supporting new moms and their babies. She has nannied two young children, managed several naturally minded moms support groups, got involved with La Leche League International, Babywearing International of Greater Houston, the Teen Life Center, and was even a Teen Mentor Mom, mentoring pregnant and new moms at a local high school. This moms-supporting-moms commitment dovetails perfectly with PRISM's business platform for working moms. The Houston native stays busy with three young boys at home. They have a hunger for adventure and a thirst for nature. Whether it is hiking, camping, or just dancing in a field of flowers, Jill spends as much time outside as possible with her family. She is also actively working on her Spanish fluency, so be sure to tell her ¡Hola!

Jing Johnson - President

Job Titles:
  • President
Jing started PRISM in 2005. After 15 years working inside architecture firms, Jing saw the need for a high quality visualization service. Being connected to resources and talents available in China she developed a delivery model to not only produce renderings more efficiently, but also leverage her architectural background in the detailing and quality control of all deliverables. Jing now oversees all PRISM operations and leads the firm's strategic planning. She has final accountability for client satisfaction. She maintains close involvement in development and design organizations, to stay on top of trends and how PRISM can benefit clients. Jing earned her bachelor and master of architecture degrees from Hunan University in China, then relocated to Houston and received a second M. Arch degree from the University of Houston. She went on to Rice University for her Master of Business Administration degree. Before starting PRISM, Jing worked for prominent Houston architecture firms including Irvine Team, Kirksey and Perkins + Will. Outside the office, Jing stays active with her family, her community, and her faith. She is a member of AIA Houston and Vistage Worldwide, and president of the Overseas China Education Foundation Houston chapter. She has two sons in college, is an adoptive mom to Max the yellow lab, and devoted wife to her husband (who happens to be an architect). Jing Johnson started PRISM in 2005 to help clients leverage their project imagery as a business tool. Our project managers have advanced architecture degrees and worked for some of the largest firms in the world. With this experience, we share a common language with clients and understand the project process. Our team knows time is money and missed deadlines kill projects; we work on a 24-hour production model to make project delivery as efficient as possible. For clients working in the public sector, PRISM holds several different WBE/MBE certifications.

Lily Luo

Job Titles:
  • Project Manager
As a project manager, Lily is responsible for overseeing all aspects of project delivery. She works directly with clients to understand their requirements, and directs the work of our Chinese production staff from project kickoff through completion. As PRISM's only trained landscape architect, Lily brings a unique perspective to our team. From a young age, Lily loved design and was interested in how to make cities better places to live. She earned a B.S. in Geographic Information Systems from East China Normal University in Shanghai. She then got a Master of Landscape Architecture degree from the highly regarded Texas A&M University program. Lily most recently spent almost four years in New York as a practicing landscape architect, first at a small boutique firm, then at a larger firm with projects around the world. For PRISM, she will combine her love of vivid visualization with the understanding of place making. Lily's passion outside the office is centered on holistic wellness. She is a devout yogi and committed to a regular strength training routine. On weekends, she goes hiking. This commitment to fitness helps Lily keep up with her two young children!

Sarah Amos

Job Titles:
  • Vice President, Operations
Sarah works closely with Jing on firm operations and marketing. She has been instrumental in developing and implementing policy and procedures for all business operations. She is responsible for maintaining a smooth working relationship with all current clients and is the point of contact for new project proposals for existing clients. Sarah came to PRISM from the commercial real estate industry. She worked for Weingarten Realty in property management for 10 years. Sarah attended the Bradford School of Business and Champions School of Real Estate, where she passed the requirements to obtain her Texas real estate license. As the mom of four kids, there is never a dull moment. She also enjoys going out on dinner dates with her husband, baking sweet treats, and spending time with family and friends.

Vivian Peng

Job Titles:
  • Vice President, Project Management
Vivian is responsible for daily management of all PRISM projects. She works with clients from kick off through completion, and directs the work of the Chinese production teams. She also leads the quality assurance process. The daughter of a TV-show set designer, Vivian has always been surrounded by creativity. She earned her B. Arch from Tsinghua University, the Asian equivalent of Harvard. She attended the University of Texas for her M. Arch; she went on to work for Consolidated Architectural & Planning Services, then PBK, where she was a senior designer for K-12, higher education, and hospitality projects. Vivian stays balanced as an active yogi. Her life approach is to look inside yourself to discover your happiness. Joy comes easily for Vivian, spending time with her husband and two teenage boys.