Adam Munn

Job Titles:
  • Commissioning Specialist

Dan O'Coin

Job Titles:
  • Technician

Derek O'Connor

Job Titles:
  • Estimator

Jared Pook

Job Titles:
  • Technician
Introduced to the industry in 2015, Jared has quickly found a knack for testing & balancing. His attention to detail help him excel at his job, and have given him the opportunity to become a senior training technician. If he's not on a site, he's at the rink playing hockey, or sitting around a table playing Dungeons & Dragons with friends. Why did you choose to work in your industry: Johnny Riglietti introduced me to the industry and I was immediately a fan of the job.

Johnny Riglietti

Job Titles:
  • Balancing Specialist

Mik Rock

Job Titles:
  • Technician

Trish Riglietti

Job Titles:
  • Billing / Administration