John Uustal

Job Titles:
  • Attorney
John Uustal established the Whistleblower Info Center and together with his team of attorneys and staff stands ready to help. Uustal has focused his career on cases that others may say can't be won, for people who can't afford to lose. He has won some of the largest verdicts ever against the most powerful companies in the world, and has numerous awards and accolades including having been named Lawyer of the Year by America's Best Lawyers. "When people call us for help, these kinds of cases all tend to start off as a flurry of activity to help secure the person's job, reputation or livelihood. Often they are facing active retaliation or the threat of it. "I've noted over the years that many people, especially in the early stages of researching legal help for a whistleblower case, tend to have a common set of questions. Helping to answer some of these initial questions is the goal of the Whistleblower Info Center. "Not everyone is ready to move forward exposing corporate crimes. We understand that hesitancy and fear and we have tried to put together helpful information here to guide you in your decision.