CBI+I - Key Persons

Carlos Sanguinetti

Job Titles:
  • Director
MSc in Biology, Program for the Development of Fundamental Science (PEDECIBA), Universidad de la República. Founder and scientific director of ATGen until 2007. Award for National Biotechnology Initiative, 2004, Propymes Network. Arroba Award from Millenium 21 to the Biotechnology Company and Entrepreneur 2003. Award to Outstanding Performance, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad ORT Uruguay, 2010. Founder and director of LTA Biotec. Chair of the department of Biotechnology, Universidad ORT Uruguay.

Felipe Machado

Job Titles:
  • Technician

Lorena Betancor

Job Titles:
  • Principal Investigator
Postdoctorate at University of Cambridge, UK. Posdoctorade at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA. Ramón y Cajal Researcher, Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies- Food (IMDEA). Ph.D. in Molecular Biology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. BSc major in Biochemistry, Universidad de la República. Award to Outstanding Performance, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad ORT Uruguay, 2012. Researcher professor of the department of Biotechnology, Universidad ORT Uruguay. Level II researcher from the National Researchers System. Founder and director of LTA Biotec.

María Pía Campot

Job Titles:
  • Technician

Sebastián Rodríguez

Job Titles:
  • Technician