Peter Lewis

Job Titles:
  • LCS Owner Summits Mount Kilimanjaro
After graduating from Sunset High School Peter Lewis did what many young people did at that age and traveled through Europe to see history and meet new people. Upon returning home, he quickly went to work in the family aviation construction business building experimental aircraft. This eventually took him to North Africa where he worked with a team of Nigerians and expatriates from around the world to construct and fly the first aircraft ever built in Nigeria - an aviation first in that country. After three years building three prototypes, helping to train workers and setting up the beginnings of Nigeria's own Aircraft Manufacturing industry, he returned home to Portland where he married and started a family. Peter decided to switch gears from aviation and was fortunate enough to work in the Electronics Manufacturing, Internet Services, Software Professional Services and IT Staffing industries. Staffing helped unveiled his passion for listening to the stories and journeys of people that inspires his mission to help connect the rich tapestry of experience in each individual to their true career calling. After nearly 20 years in the technical staffing business working for local companies he made the choice to launch Lewis Career Services (LCS) to continue doing what he loves best: helping connect people in new or next professional adventures.