Updated 620 days ago
2 Springside Road, Westampton, NJ
Equip was created by Primepoint, a payroll and HR technology company with more than 20 years of experience serving clients of all sizes. Through those decades of experience, we found that small businesses needed different solutions than our larger clients and we decided to dedicate ourselves to creating the best solution specifically for smaller businesses...
Equip offers payroll designed specifically for small businesses. Created by Primepoint, we used more than 20 years of payroll expertise to imagine the best experience for you...
Equip makes everything relating to small business Payroll Processing and HR Solutions simple and affordable. We have dedicated ourselves to creating the best solutions specifically for small businesses. Equip was created by Primepoint using its more than 20 years of payroll processing experience. First-time customers can try us for free. Our efficient systems include an employee portal that gives employees all they need.