Updated 12 days ago
8651 Highway N Ste 100 PMB 220 Lake St Louis, MO 63367
Our team of experts at Level 7 is here to help you. Our process works this way: We are professional and prompt. Our team is available during evening and weekend hours! That way home buyers and sellers can be present if they'd like to be. Our team maintains clean vehicles and we always clean up after ourselves if we make a mess. We put everything back how we find it. We're local to the community. Not a large big-box franchise...
Level 7 is a full service Residential Home and Commercial Building Inspection company. In addition to the regular home/building inspection, we also offer services including; gas inspection, Termite (WDO) inspection. Radon Monitoring, Mold Air-Quality Sampling, Sewer Scope Inspections, Well Inspection, Septic Inspection and more.
Also known as: Level 7, Level 7 Property Inspections, LLC