Dr. Asif John

Dr. Asif John holds degrees in both Medicine and Business Administration. He conducts weekly Sunday Services and Bible studies, and is a popular seminar and convention speaker. He has also taught Survey of the Old and New Testament courses, and has over 10 years of experience in sharing the Gospel with Muslims. He is currently writing a commentary on the Gospel of Mark and working towards making Bible correspondence courses available online.

Ghazala Parveen

Sister Ghazala came to Christ from a Muslim background more than 20 years ago. With Master's degrees in both Economics and Divinity, she serves as a pastor, missionary, and human rights activist. Her husband is a well-known Christian apologist in Pakistan, and together they have led many Muslims to Christ.

Shahana Emmanuel

Sister Shahana was led to the Lord and discipled by Ghazala, and was baptized in 2008. Having grown up as a Muslim, she can relate well to her audience, with whom she courageously shares her new faith in a spirit of love. She is a gospel singer and is also able to read the Quran in Arabic.