WAYPOINT WEALTH GROUP - History of Changes

2023-09-09 delete address independently owned and operated. 710 Commerce Dr Suite 140, Woodbury, MN 55125
2023-09-09 delete email la..@northstarfinancial.com
2023-09-09 delete email tr..@waypointwg.com
2023-09-09 delete phone 1-800-820-4205
2023-09-09 delete phone 651.435.4620
2023-09-09 insert email gr..@northstarfinancial.com
2023-09-09 insert email he..@northstarfinancial.com
2023-09-09 insert email lu..@waypointwg.com
2023-09-09 insert email me..@northstarfinancial.com
2023-09-09 insert email pq..@northstarfinancial.com
2023-09-09 insert phone 651.370.7474
2022-08-07 insert email ky..@waypointwg.com