Elsie Ocasio - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice - President
Elsie Ocasio, born and raised in the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, knows firsthand the frustration that comes from having to sign documents in a language that is not your own. Often place in the position to interpret for her closest family members, Elsie was fully bilingual at a young age. Helping her parents navigate in the US, in part, prepared her for her role as Vice President at Viva Your Voice, Inc. Elsie has worked in the area of special education for over 14 years. She has also dedicated her time weekly in community service, including, but not limited to, teaching, public speaking, life counselor and children's counselor. She started as Admin assistant and quickly filled the position of Program Manager to sister company, Educational Translation Services, Inc. After proving time and again her dedication to serving the community with quality interpreters and translators Elsie ventured off to start her own company.

Laurie Suarez

Job Titles:
  • Owner and President of Educational Translation Services, Inc.
Inc., and Cut the Label, LLC, is a lifetime advocate for children with special needs. Laurie's Ms. Suarez served as Director of the Morris County Board of Trustees. She's a member of

Nancy Burgos - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice - President
Nancy Burgos has always been an inspirational advocate dedicated to getting results personally and professionally. She began as an advocate at the school her children attended in the Borough of Queens, New York. She is a self-taught accountant and uses her fascination for finances to help family and friends complete their annual tax returns. She is deserving of many accolades, a main one being for successfully bringing Educational Translation Services, Inc. through 15 successful state and federal fiscal audits. No easy task! She received her BS in Social Work from New Paltz, NY. Nancy serves as Vice President at Viva Your Voice, Inc.