ACHIEVE ONE - Key Persons

Justin Johnson

Job Titles:
  • CEO, LeadMethod, Bend Venture Conference Winner 2017

Peter Ozolin

Job Titles:
  • Principal
The majority of my career I have been an entrepreneur, founder and company builder. At times I diverted my entrepreneurial drive to go into "learn" mode at bigger corporations/organizations, but I always found myself going back to endeavors that motivated me each day to engage in life without limitations (at times I could have probably used some limitations). Thankfully, I was able to achieve many of my dreams both professionally and personally for the first major chapter of my working life. As I took time to decide "what's next," I wanted to find the source of motivation that had always lead me to do my best work - the passion, sincerity and a desire to help others be successful. I am now channeling that energy into Achieve-One. At Achieve-One, I now have my purpose/mission: To help people realize their potential as leaders My focus now: I grappled a lot whether I should focus my efforts on helping adults become better leaders in the professional sense or young men and women as well. Ultimately, I settled on helping them both. The fact of the matter is that there's a unmet need helping young men and women develop leadership skills. Leaders are still created mostly by chance or as a default - - the best player on the team is the captain. The truth is, leadership skills (in part) can be learned and that's what I want to help both adults and young men and women learn how to do. We are all put on this earth to do something with our talents - musicians, doctors, teachers, etc. The world will always need leaders, and, for better or for worse, that is what I was put on this earth to do and I did it well (not without mistake) for the first twenty-five years of my professional career, as well as in my youth or as a young adult. It was in my youth I was afforded these responsibilities more based on innate capabilities as a better than average athlete versus a deliberate approach to become a leader. Later, as an adult, I had to lead, because I had the burning desire to start my first tech company, and thus if I couldn't lead and inspire, I certainly wasn't going to succeed. In addition to helping everyone become the best leader they can be, I also want to impart what I know to help aspiring entrepreneurs become successful with their day-to-day decision making. I can't promise my advice will contribute to your success at all times, but I can share what worked for me; you can be the judge if it will work for you. Most of my entrepreneurial advice will be codified on my blog: My promise: I will give you my best. Everything I know and I have learned. That's all I really care about. If you put in the time, effort and have the desire to succeed, I will do whatever is in my power to help you succeed. Other than for my family, this is why I get up in the morning. This is what I want to now be the best at. I hope not to disappoint. Below is a little bit more about my professional life. However, I place equal, if not more value on my personal life as a husband, father to two kids and coach to many. Most recently I was leading Manzama's strategy and vision. Manzama is the leading provider of news and media aggregation tools for professional services firms and organizations. Since our inception in 2010 and I have guided the company to achieve double digit revenue growth year-over-year in every year of its operations, sustained profitability, and have seen an average annual customer retention rate of over 95% over this time-frame. Manzama now has over 225 of the largest law firms and professional services firms in the world, with over 75,000 active users on its enterprise platform. In 2017 Manzama launched Manzama Insights™, a patent-pending technology, that is designed to help organizations leapfrog the competition by using proprietary algorithms to identify indicators and themes from the deluge of web content that highlight opportunities and risks around individual companies and industry sectors. Manzama Insights™ employs data-driven models to better inform an organization's competitive intelligence, business development, sales efforts, and strategic decision making. In January of 2019 Manzama was acquired by Diligent Corporation. Diligent is a global leader in governance solutions for board directors and leadership teams with 8 global offices across 6 countries. Its products and services are trusted by more than 40% of the Fortune 1000 and 70% of the FTSE 100, and trusted by more than 450,000 board directors and executives around the globe. Prior to Manzama, I have a long track record of founding, investing, advising and successfully exiting start-ups. You can of course check out the rest of my professional background on the Advisory Board and/or LinkedIn: Peter Ozolin. "Peter is one of my most respected entrepreneurs and business leaders. Whether the topic is on fundraising, culture, product innovation, M&A…. Peter is the person I think of first when I need advice and coaching. His coaching and mentorship have helped me through a lot of my major decisions growing a startup." Justin Johnson, CEO, LeadMethod, Bend Venture Conference Winner 2017 Current Clients: Past Webinars, Presentations and Publications February 2019, Update on Sale of Company and Journey (Pub Talk) Case Study: How Law Firms Are Leveraging Manzama Insights Rise of the Librarian & Information Professional Business Development In The Digital Era Manzama Insights Ranked Top 5 CI Tool by Peers Cultivating A Culture Of Current Awareness Business Development Blog Series