Andreas Heim

Andreas Heim (DE) completed an apprenticeship as a carpenter before studying Architecture at the Bauhaus University in Weimar. After his studies, he worked in Vienna with architect Martin Kohlbauer, where he was responsible for large-scale housing projects as project manager after winning architectural competitions. He then worked as a project and construction manager in Berlin (Carsten Lorenzen Architekten, architect Thomas Kröger). He has been a member of the Berlin Chamber of Architects since 2014 and has received awards for his own building projects, which have been published in architectural journals such as CUBE and AIT. Andreas is part of the architects' collective Transstruktura. www.transstruktura.com

Gabriel Vallecillo Márquez

Gabriel Vallecillo Márquez (HN) works across many artistic disciplines, such as (video) poetry, video jockey, 3D projection mapping, live cinema, video installation, documentary film and video performance. His work has been shown at Biennials in Ecuador, Panamá, Nicaragua and Honduras, as well as in exhibitions in Cuba, Italy, USA and Germany. Gabriel holds a Master's degree in Humanistic Studies with specialization in Philosophy from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, where he graduated with honours. www.gabrielvallecillo.com

Nora Gores

Job Titles:

Patrick Loibl

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Shelley Etkin

Shelley Etkin (US/IL) is a transdisciplinary artist, educator and gardener who works with somatic and earth-care practices. She has a Master's degree in Ecology and Contemporary Performance (Finland) and a Bachelor's degree in Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies (US). Shelley facilitates the Garden as Studio platform at Ponderosa, a dance and arts center in Brandenburg. She is also a guest lecturer at Humboldt Universität in Berlin. www.shelleyetkin.com

Valeria Germain

Valeria Germain (CL) is an actress-performer, artistic director and performance facilitator. In Santiago de Chile she was part of the ensemble at the National Theatre for seven years, with whom she performed in countries such as Colombia, Peru and Germany. Valeria is a founding member of the performance collective 77 Stolen Fish (2011-2014). In 2010 she founded the performance collective Pink Valley, where she works as artistic director, performer and producer. Currently she also works with renowned performance collectives like Gob Squad and She She Pop. Her own projects have been exhibited in Germany, Italy, Spain and Chile. www.pinkvalley.de