Connor Stark

Job Titles:
  • Principal
Connor is a Principal and the Head of Acquisitions at GCM. He competed as a division one track-and-field athlete at University of California, Los Angeles, where he earned a bachelor's degree in political science. While still attending UCLA, Connor decided to turn his efforts toward the real estate industry full time. Connor began his career as a Project Manager at Crest Real Estate where he was introduced to his two partners that make up the GCM team. From there he took a position as Vice President at a boutique brokerage firm in Los Angeles where he assisted in managing a select team of agents in the buying and selling of $50,000,000 of residential real estate. Since 2018 Connor has helped manage and operate over 2,500,000 million square feet of residential, commercial, and retail real estate in the Los Angeles and Phoenix markets. He is also an active member of UCLA's Real Estate Alumni Group (REAG). This group of experienced real estate professionals work as a think tank for all things within real estate. Here Connor works with his group to strategize the integration of cutting edge technology within the industry to help shape the real estate world in a socially responsible way.

Guillermo Heuze

Job Titles:
Guillermo is a Principal and the Head of Operations at GCM. He was raised in London and earned degrees in Architecture and Real Estate Development from the University of Southern California. This, as well as being trilingual, puts him in the perfect position to work with our international investors. Guillermo started his real estate career as a junior broker at Industry Partners, a major commercial brokerage and creative office space developer. He has since worked for a major general contractor building luxury homes in Bel Air, Beverly Hills and the Hollywood Hills. Guillermo's most recent endeavor at Crest Real Estate had him representing high net worth individuals and developers on over $2,000,000,000 in luxury real estate. This includes the world's largest and America's most expensive home, the $350,000,000 "The One." He worked as the Director of International Relations providing private property management services for all international clientele. These services included guidance and direction on design, permitting, entitlements, and development potential; in order to secure the highest and best use of every asset.

Max First

Job Titles:
  • Principal
Max is a Principal and the Head of Construction at GCM. Max is a lifelong resident of Los Angeles. He possesses a select understanding and appreciation of the real estate market with his planning, acquisitions, and construction background. After earning a bachelor's degree in Planning and Development from the University of Southern California, Max broke into the real estate industry assisting homeowners and real estate professionals achieve their construction and development goals as a Project Manager at Crest Real Estate.