Alexa Murguido

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Alexa was born and raised right here in Miami. She grew up in the farms of Homestead and the oceans of the Florida Keys. Alexa's love for animals started as a child. Her family owned farms with various animals that she helped care for. It wasn't hard for her to make the connection that you cannot love animals but also contribute to their suffering through various means, including eating them. Alexa has not eaten meat in over 15 years and has adopted a strict vegan lifestyle for over 4. She makes it a point to visit animal sanctuaries while traveling. She's been known to take suitcases full of supplies from the Donkeys of Bonaire, to the pigs in California and many sanctuaries in between.

Alexandria Alvarez

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Born and raised in Miami, Alexandria brings over 15 years of animal rescuing experience to Haven. As President and Co-Founder, she oversees rescue operations and opportunities for donor contributions. She worked full-time as a veterinary assistant at a local emergency animal hospital during her college years while earning her medical degree. Later, she began volunteer work with various animal rescues to garner experience in operating a rescue and working hands-on with exotic animals, farm animals, and wildlife in South Florida. Alexandria's love for animals ultimately led her to adopt a cruelty-free, vegan lifestyle six years ago.