Erin Ellis

Erin Ellis  is a career consultant and executive coach with Stewart Leadership specializing in career management and leadership development. She's held internal global human resources leadership and talent development roles at General Electric and Hertz and has partnered with a variety of organization sizes and industries as a consultant and coach. Erin discovered her passion for career development years ago and enjoys working with a range of experienced professionals from interns to executives. She is certified in Birkman and is Six Sigma Green Belt Certified and Black Belt trained. She has a Master's in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of New Haven and a Bachelor's in Psychology from Albright College.

Liz Tracy

Liz Tracy has made most career mistakes: Taking feedback personally, walking away from a challenge, hyperfocusing on micro goals and missing the big picture, staying too long in a comfortable role, and more. It's why she's a coach. She's been where you are and has found her passion in helping others do what they thought they couldn't.  She made mistakes while getting results.  She built high performing teams to meet mission critical goals.  With 30+ years in learning experience design and performance consulting, she's helped thousands of learners move their performance needle.  She's partnered with senior leadership to build powerful learning experiences at fortune 500 companies and small start-ups.  She's a lifelong learner with a BA, an MBA and graduate certificates.

Tim Davisson

Tim Davisson is a career development enthusiast and executive consultant. He brings nearly 20 years of global experience in Fortune 100 executive leadership education and consulting. His career journey started out at changing irrigation pipes in prairie fields during the summer and selling outdoor wear at an outlet mall in the winter. Having odd jobs throughout his career journey, Tim graduated from San Diego State University with a bachelor's in political science and economics. He then started his executive education career after achieving his MBA. His most recent career opportunity was Chief Revenue Officer at DEI edtech start-up, StoryBolt. Over the years, Tim has discovered a passion for human development and now trying to figure out how to use and bring all the knowledge and experience he has learned to others in supporting their own individual happiness.

Tyra Bremer

Job Titles:
  • Consultant
  • Executive
Tyra Bremer is an executive consultant & coach with Stewart Leadership specializing in leadership and career development.  She is a thought leader and visionary with the ability to connect with individuals at all levels within an organization, ignite strong leadership, and enable good people to have a secure future while maximizing business performance.  Tyra has a true passion for helping people become their best self while identifying what helps them feel career-fulfilled!  She has held numerous talent and executive leadership roles with a proven background in talent acquisition, operations, and leadership development.  With over 20 years of experience ranging from start-ups, private equity backed organizations, and one of the world's oldest and largest staffing firms, she champions, energizes, and unifies.