Updated 742 days ago
If you check out my work, you will find some 3d models especially made for 3D printing. You own a 3D printer? Then you should take a look on the longclaw sword. This could be a very interesting project for you. Game of Thrones has been over for a while now, but there are rumors that Jon Snow is coming back. And he will surely have his longclaw with him. So fire up your 3d printer and print this epic merch...
A lot of my projects are especially made for a new tower defense game called TOWARS. The game is in the middle of the creation phase and is programmed by just one person. My brother! I would appreciate it very much, if you support the towars project and leave a like on the Instagram profile. And who knows, perhaps we play a match against each other some day...
50ShapesOfClay - 3D Models and Designs - This is my creative Work Portfolio. 3D Models, 2D Designs and analog 3D Figures and Paintings.
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