Amanda D'Aprile - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President
Amanda D'Aprile began her accounting career with a Big Four accounting firm after earning a Master's in Accounting from Siena College. In 2019, she joined the firm and has enjoyed working with clients to understand and solve their tax and accounting needs. She believes trust is the foundation of confidence and is best achieved through a deep understanding of her clients. Amanda is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, as well as the NYS Society of Certified Public Accountants.

Jeffrey W. Stark

Job Titles:
  • Tax Associate / Technology Coordinator

Margaret Powers

Job Titles:
  • Administrative Associate

Marie E. Stark

Job Titles:
  • President / BBA Accounting, Siena College / Certified Public Accountant
For over thirty years, Marie has enjoyed working with her clients to develop tax-conscious strategies to address their unique situations. She believes that taking the time to get to know her clients and understanding their particular needs, wants, fears, and goals is the key to achieving the best financial outcome. She is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants as well as the NYS Society of Certified Public Accountants. Throughout her career, she has been actively involved in her community, having served on several boards and committees. She has also been involved in many professional organizations, including Executive Network, Executive Women's Golf Association, Colonie Chamber of Commerce Women's Business Council, and Capital Region Executives. In her free time, Marie enjoys running, golfing, skiing, snowshoeing, long walks on the beach in Maine, and relaxing with a good book. She cherishes time with family and close friends, especially her husband, Jeff, and three children, Michael, Amanda, and Alicia.

Mary Uhlig

Job Titles:
  • Client Service Associate

Sage V. D'Aprile

Job Titles:
  • Tax Associate / Practice Manager