WIX - Key Persons

Ronald A. Wix

Ronald Anthony Wix (1963) graduated at the University of Leiden in 1994 and has been an attorney for over 25 years. Although he is a general practitioner he mainly focuses on hotel & timeshare laws, real estate law and (commercial) contract law, corporate matters in general and labor laws (labor litigations, company reorganizations, union negotiations etc.). Wix has a long list of brand hotels that are registered clients for many years. Wix also has ample experience in representing the Government of Aruba on different levels. Ronald Wix was been involved in numerous corporate takeovers varying from hotels to major franchise operations. He is continuously involved in providing legal assistance to local and foreign investors. For over 20 years Wix has been providing international investors with legal assistance on how to navigate through the legal and bureaucracy maze of investing on the island of Aruba. Although Wix concentrates on corporate matters, he has ample experience in (corporate) litigation. He does not shy away from legal conflicts. He was involved in many high-profile cases which established his name as reputable attorney on the island of Aruba. Wix was President of the Aruba Bar Association from April 29th, 2007 through June 2010 and was reelected from 2019 to 2021. From 2010 to 2012 Wix was Chairman of the Appeal Committee ("Beroepscommissie") of the University of Aruba. Throughout the years Wix held many board positions in different entities on the island of Aruba.

Veronique C. Perše

Job Titles:
  • General Practitioner
Veronique C. Perše (Aruba, 1989) started working with Wix Attorneys at Law in 2015 as a paralegal and graduated from the University of Aruba in 2019. In 2019, she was admitted to the Bar in Aruba, Curaçao, Saint Martin and the Caribbean territories of the Netherlands. Veronique is a general practitioner with an affinity for labor law and hotel & timeshare laws. She has been involved in various corporate takeovers as well as numerous corporate and timeshare litigations. Veronique also has ample experience in contract law, tenancy law and administrative law. Veronique continuously provides assistance to corporate and private clients alike on how to navigate through the legal maze of applying for and obtaining permits and licenses on the island of Aruba.