Adrien Barbanson

Job Titles:
  • CEO - IT Manager
I am currently studying cybersecurity engineering at INSA Toulouse. In 2017, I've (re)discovered the world of blockchains, and more specifically the Ethereum technology. Then, I trained myself in Solidity language in order to fully understand the blockchain system and to be able to interact with it. I am now interested on cryptocurrency trading for months. I have decided in September 2021, with Alexandre Bertin, to create a tool mixing AI and crypto market data in order to have a unique and state of the art tool. The goal is to get the most relevant information to better adapt my trading strategies.

Alexandre Bertin

Job Titles:
  • IA Researcher
I graduated as an engineer in applied mathematics from INSA Toulouse. Because i love mathematics since I was a child, being an engineer in this field was an obvious choice. Since 2 years, I dedicate my mathematical expertise in problem solving. During an internship, I developed an artificial intelligence that detects certain back diseases on MRIs involving medical and technical knowledge. Through this internship, I personally understood the possible opportunities that this disruptive technology could offer.