HEATH - Key Persons

Autumn Rogers

Autumn Rogers is an artist, designer, and software engineer fascinated with the ever-blurrier boundaries between biology and technology. With extensive back-end experience and expertise in microcontrollers and sensor systems development, Rogers develops innovative technologies that empower new visceral human experiences and performance modalities. She also holds an MFA in Arts and Technology from The California Institute of the Arts (Cal Arts).

Ian Hattwick - CTO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Technology Officer
An artist, musician, and engineer focusing on the use of multimodal hardware systems to explore and facilitate social and embodied interaction. He has extensive experience coordinating teams of designers, artists, musicians, engineers, scientists, and manufacturers in the creation of hardware systems and social experiences. Hattwick received his PhD from McGill University in 2018 and holds degrees from the University of California, Irvine and the University of Southern California. He currently lectures on Music Technology and Digital Instrument Design at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Jason Heath - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Owner
An inventor, US patent holder, and experiential designer leveraging the power of musical experience to create new installations, devices, interactions, and dynamic cultural artifacts that conform to and challenge and inspire the human mind and body. He founded Heath Interactive as a vehicle to integrate the unique combination of interdisciplinary expertise required to create seamless, immersive and embodied experience platforms (especially those involving music and sound); and to build a team that can execute visionary solutions to creative problems at the highest level.