COWLEY ACADEMY - History of Changes

2024-06-25 delete person Mrs Jody Waterson
2024-06-25 insert person Miss Rachel Double
2024-06-25 update person_title Mrs Libby Barber: SLAT Careers & Aspirations Lead => Associate Director of Post - 16 and Careers
2024-04-14 delete person Miss Elaine Hiley
2024-04-14 delete person Miss Kate Bird
2024-04-14 delete person Miss Natalie Garside
2024-04-14 delete person Miss Rachel Tidy
2024-04-14 delete person Miss Tracy Dalleywater
2024-04-14 delete person Mr Michael Broadhurst
2024-04-14 delete person Mrs Jennifer Phillips
2024-04-14 delete person Mrs Louise Congreve
2024-04-14 delete person Mrs Nadia Lynch
2024-04-14 delete person Mrs Sarah Atherton
2024-04-14 delete person Mrs Tetyana Bond
2024-04-14 delete person Ms Jacqueline Hodgson
2024-04-14 delete source_ip
2024-04-14 insert person Miss Grace Kindred
2024-04-14 insert person Miss Laela-Tia Dalton
2024-04-14 insert person Miss Sarah Featherstone
2024-04-14 insert person Mr Alan Doyle
2024-04-14 insert person Mr Andrew Dadswell
2024-04-14 insert person Mr David Mullarkey
2024-04-14 insert person Mr Wall Ball
2024-04-14 insert person Mrs Katie Palmer
2024-04-14 insert person Mrs Sally Harrod
2024-04-14 insert person Mrs Sarah Cameron
2024-04-14 insert person Mrs Stephanie Arden
2024-04-14 insert source_ip
2024-04-14 update person_title Mr Radford Hudson: SLAT Marketing & Communications Manager => SLAT Director of Marketing & Communications
2024-04-14 update person_title Mrs Jemma Curson: SLAT Associate Deputy Chief Executive Officer ( Governance / Leadership Development / Teaching & Learning ); Member of the Leadership Team => SLAT Deputy Chief Executive Officer ( Governance / Leadership Development / Teaching & Learning ); Member of the Leadership Team
2023-10-11 delete person Miss Eleanor Livesey
2023-10-11 delete person Miss Melissa Mayfield
2023-10-11 delete person Miss Rosie Flint
2023-10-11 delete person Miss Stephanie Samways
2023-10-11 delete person Mr David Vince
2023-10-11 delete person Mr Mark White
2023-10-11 delete person Mrs Cat Bones
2023-10-11 delete person Mrs Chloe Smith
2023-10-11 delete person Mrs Jaime Preston
2023-10-11 delete person Mrs Julia Millard
2023-10-11 delete person Mrs Laura Shepherd
2023-10-11 delete person Mrs Samantha Hill
2023-10-11 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2023-10-11 insert person Dr Kyri Chrysostomou
2023-10-11 insert person Miss Abbie Carter
2023-10-11 insert person Miss Bethany Lake
2023-10-11 insert person Miss Cerys Simeoli
2023-10-11 insert person Miss Emily Tarry
2023-10-11 insert person Miss Katie Gill
2023-10-11 insert person Mr Joshua Green
2023-10-11 insert person Mr Richard Wright
2023-10-11 insert person Mrs Claire Scott
2023-10-11 insert person Mrs Daisy Bland
2023-10-11 insert person Mrs Dawne Pearson
2023-10-11 insert person Mrs Donna Bane
2023-10-11 insert person Mrs Emma Smith
2023-10-11 insert person Mrs Heather Barton
2023-10-11 insert person Mrs Jemma Curson
2023-10-11 insert person Mrs Samantha Pell
2023-10-11 insert person Mrs Susan Puni
2023-10-11 insert person Ms Clare Coleman
2023-10-11 update person_description Mr Tom Little => Mr Tom Little
2023-10-11 update person_description Mrs Sarah Collinson => Mrs Sarah Collinson
2023-10-11 update person_title Miss Amelia Jones: Pastoral Manager => Pastoral Year Lead ( Year 8 & 9 )
2023-10-11 update person_title Miss Darragh O Callaghan: Teacher of Art & Design => Head of Department - Art & Design
2023-10-11 update person_title Miss Elizabeth Dyer: Member of the Cowley Academy Leadership Team; SLAT Executive Deputy Headteacher - Leadership & Collaboration: Staff Processes / Appraisal / CPD / Arts & Vocational Learning => SLAT Deputy Chief Executive Officer ( Personnel / CPD / Vocational Education ); Member of the Leadership Team
2023-10-11 update person_title Miss Naomi Marsden: Head of Department - Modern Foreign Languages => Head of Department - Modern Foreign Languages / PSHE Lead
2023-10-11 update person_title Miss Sally Wetherill: HUB Lead - Health & Social Care => Partnership Lead - Health & Social Care / Lead Professional Tutor
2023-10-11 update person_title Miss Victoria Kilby: Teacher of Music => Head of Department - Music
2023-10-11 update person_title Mr Adam Burton: Teacher of English and Media; Teacher of Media and English => Head of Department - Media / Teacher of English; Teacher of English / Head of Department - Media
2023-10-11 update person_title Mr Alan Wood: SLAT Director & HUB Lead - Arts & Community Projects => Trust Associate Education Director ( Performance & Creative Arts )
2023-10-11 update person_title Mr Brett Sinclair: SLAT Executive Deputy Headteacher - Behaviour & Safety: Pastoral & Behaviour / Safeguarding / SEN Support / Heads of House => Member of the Leadership Team; SLAT Deputy Chief Executive Officer ( Behaviour / Pastoral / Safeguarding )
2023-10-11 update person_title Mr Chris Wright: Assistant Headteacher / Behaviour and Pastoral Lead => Member of the Leadership Team; Trust Executive Education Director ( Behaviour / Pastoral / Safeguarding )
2023-10-11 update person_title Mr James Hind: SLAT Executive Deputy Headteacher => Member of the Leadership Team; SLAT Deputy Chief Executive Officer ( Teaching & Learning / Careers / KS4 & KS5 )
2023-10-11 update person_title Mr Joshua Roberts: Head of Flinders House ( Green ) / Teacher of Business Studies; Teacher of Business Studies / Head of Flinders House ( Green ) => Teacher of Business Studies
2023-10-11 update person_title Mr Matt Leonard: SLAT Director & HUB Lead - Heads of House and Rewards => Trust Associate Education Director ( Behaviour, Pastoral & Safeguarding )
2023-10-11 update person_title Mr Tom Little: SLAT Director & HUB Lead - History => Trust
2023-10-11 update person_title Mr Tom Martin: SLAT Executive Deputy Headteacher - Achievement: Data / Timetable / Curriculum / Tracking => SLAT Deputy Chief Executive Officer ( Curriculum / Data / Timetable ); Member of the Leadership Team
2023-10-11 update person_title Mrs Antoaneta Moorfoot: HUB Lead - Computer Science => Partnership Lead - Computer Science
2023-10-11 update person_title Mrs Britte Cairns: SLAT Director & HUB Lead - Languages => Trust Associate Education Director ( Modern Foreign Languages )
2023-10-11 update person_title Mrs Elaine Booth: HUB Lead - English => Partnership Lead - English
2023-10-11 update person_title Mrs Emily Wilson: HUB Lead - Arts Community & Collaboration => Partnership Lead - Art & Design
2023-10-11 update person_title Mrs Julie Taylor: Administrator - Careers / Reception / Library => Level 6 Careers Adviser
2023-10-11 update person_title Mrs Karen Joel: Trust SENCo => Trust Head SEND; Member of the Leadership Team
2023-10-11 update person_title Mrs Kath Kilby: HUB Lead - Mathematics / Assistant Headteacher ( Spalding ) => Trust Executive Education Director ( Partnerships / Staff Welfare / Disadvantaged / Maths / Teaching & Learning ); Member of the Leadership Team; Partnership Lead - Mathematics / Trust Executive Education Director
2023-10-11 update person_title Mrs Kirsty Roche: HUB Lead - Food Technology => Partnership Lead - Food Preparation & Nutrition
2023-10-11 update person_title Mrs Lucy Conley: Executive; Head; SLAT Executive Headteacher / Chief Executive Officer; Member of the Cowley Academy Leadership Team => Executive; Head; Member of the Leadership Team; SLAT Chief Executive Officer
2023-10-11 update person_title Mrs Michelle Smith: SLAT Director & HUB Lead - Science => Trust Associate Education Director ( Science / Teaching & Learning )
2023-10-11 update person_title Mrs Nadia Lynch: Teaching Assistant => Teaching Assistant / SS2 Manager
2023-10-11 update person_title Mrs Paula Baker: Teacher of History / Mathematics => Teacher of History
2023-10-11 update person_title Mrs Sarah Collinson: SLAT Director - Humanities / HUB Lead - Geography => Trust
2023-10-11 update person_title Mrs Stacey Dyer: Joint HUB Lead - Business Studies / SLAT Director of Vocational Curriculum => Member of the Leadership Team; Trust Executive Education Director ( Vocational Curriculum / Teaching & Learning Vocational ); Partnership Lead - Business Studies / Trust Executive Education Director
2023-10-11 update person_title Mrs Tetyana Bond: Teacher of Mathematics => Teacher of Mathematics / PSHE Lead
2023-10-11 update person_title Ms Ged Coles: SLAT Director & HUB Lead - Sport & Physical Education => Trust Associate Education Director ( Sport
2023-10-11 update person_title Ms Gemma Millard: Head of Banks House ( Orange ) / Teacher of Performing Arts; Teacher of Performing Arts / Head of Banks House ( Orange ) => Head of Banks House ( Orange ) / Teacher of Performing Arts; Head of Department - Performing Arts / Head of Banks House ( Orange )
2023-10-11 update person_title Ms Jody Hubbard: Interim Head of Department - Mathematics => Teacher of Mathematics
2023-10-11 update person_title Ms Sarah Smith: Teaching Assistant => Teaching Assistant / SS2 Manager