Ahron Glazer - CMO

Job Titles:
I have worked in marketing and innovation for more than 10 years and have been in leadership roles for more than 15. I lecture around the world, work closely with top industry authorities, and guide many leading innovative startups and influential companies. I've worked with countless small, medium and large enterprises to develop strategies, increase revenue, and establish brand prominence. Have a cool business? I am genuinely interested in learning about it. I enjoy being a mentor and speaking to groups, large or small about leadership, personal value, marketing, and inspiration - because we all need a little inspiration now and again.

Arielle Kwestel

Job Titles:
As an artist from a family of engineers, design is a place where my right-brained tendencies can hang out with my left-brain genetics. After getting into the minds of my clients to understand their message and target audience, I get to make things look fabulous AND figure out how to include everything-plus-the-kitchen-sink and still manage to make it look clean. That's some hefty space engineering right there. Even though my first job out of college was in direct marketing for one of New York's biggest ad agencies, it took me a long while (post-grad art school, a career change, a few kids, blah blah blah) to realize that visual branding was my calling. And I've been branding companies ever since. I love that I am involved in creative thinking and innovative companies, especially the ones that are all about saving the planet.

Shai Giladi

Job Titles:
  • SALES EXECUTIVE, Israel Lead
Specializing in Israel and European countries. I work with "Executives" to build, refine, and execute marketing strategies that drive brands' successes! For short-term campaigns or long-term partnerships, let's build smart marketing strategies that aligns with your business goals to skyrocket your brand.