Job Titles:
  • Research Assistant
Bruno received his B.Sc. with honors in Engineering from IP Paris. His undergraduate research was at the crossroads of number theory, complex analysis and linear group representation. The French Double Degree Programme allowed him to go across the globe and pursue a M.Sc. in Physics at NUS, where Dr. Jiangbin Gong directed his master's thesis in quantum thermodynamics. At Qovelab, he is looking forward to adding experimental skills to his repertoire and deepening his knowledge in quantum networks, hoping to contribute with his theoretical background. He devotes his spare time to watching old movies, but also tries to catch up with geopolitics, as well as spicing up his cooking skills. Every year, he sets himself to enhancing his chess or mastering a fifth language - but has continually failed at both tasks so far.

CHUA Wei Hong

Wei Hong is from the Special Programme in Science at NUS. He has dabbled in 2D material experiments and programming with IBM's Qiskit as part of his UROPS. Alongside research, he also enjoys mentoring and designing lesson content in the Special Programme in Science. Currently, he wants to learn more about quantum devices so that he can make one in the future. When he is free, Wei Hong enjoys playing games and eating desserts. He is also on the look out for people who know how to play card games and would always like to learn new ones. He is also an amateur in Chinese chess.

Dr. Di Zhu

Job Titles:
  • Research Scientist at IMRE
Dr. Di Zhu is a research scientist at IMRE, A*STAR. His expertise includes nanofabrication, integrated photonics, applied superconductivity, and nanoscale electromagnetics. His collaboration with us is centered around the fabrication of Lithium Niobate integrated photonics. Di received his Ph.D. (2019) and M.Sc. (2017) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and his B.Eng. (2013) from Nanyang Technological University, all in Electrical Engineering. From 2019 to 2021, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University. His Ph.D. thesis with Prof. Karl Berggren focused on superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors, and postdoc research with Prof. Marko LonĨar centered around thin-film lithium niobate photonics. He was a recipient of Harvard Quantum Initiative Postdoctoral Fellowship, A*STAR National Science Scholarship, and MIT Jin-Au Kong thesis award.

Karthik DASIGI

Job Titles:
  • Graduate Student
Karthik obtained his bachelor in Engineering Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)Bombay. During his undergraduate studies, he worked on many different quantum computing projects, such as working on spin-based qubits in Silicon, variational quantum algorithms, and cavity QED. He has now set his sight on superconducting qubits and circuit QED, and he believes that studying these at Qovelab will enable him in building scalable quantum computers and networks in the future. In his free time, Karthik is an avid reader and gamer. He also enjoys manga and anime. He hopes that he can contribute to the ongoing research at Qovelab, and strives to attain expertise in this field of superconducting circuits.

KONG Lingda

Job Titles:
  • Research Assistant
Lingda graduated from the National University of Singapore where he studied physics. In his undergraduate years, Lingda worked on several projects across multiple disciplines, such as Neuroengineering, Post-Newtonian expansions, Climate modelling, and Quantum Information. His Honours Thesis investigated and characterised the introduction of a magnetic hose to a superconducting package to tune SQUID qubits enclosed within. As a research assistant, he applies his transferrable skills gained from these projects to help build quantum networks. Lingda enjoys gaming, teaching, and convincing himself that he loves the gym. His occasional forays into musical instruments and drawing also add a touch of colour to his life. He believes his time at Qovelab will bless him with many quanta of knowledge, and is excited to contribute to the development of quantum networks.


Job Titles:
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Pavel graduated from the St. Petersburg Polytechnical University in 2015 with a Bachelors in Semiconductor Physics, and from ITMO University in 2017 with a Masters in Photonics. He then did his PhD at Nanyang Technological University and A*STAR, graduating in 2022. His work focused on extensive fabrication and optical characterization of dielectric and hybrid metal-dielectric nanostructures, giving him the required knowledge and skills to integrate superconducting circuits with lithium niobate photonics.


Job Titles:
  • Graduate Student
Sakshi completed her B.Sc. Physics (Hons) from University of Delhi and did Master's with specialization in Condensed Matter Physics where she worked on an experimental project dealing with piezoelectric materials that have various electromechanical applications. She has earned her M.Tech. in Solid State Material degree from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi where she developed skills in computational material science while working on quantum materials like topological insulator. She has joined Qovelab to apply her skills as well as learn new techniques for fabrication and integration of superconducting quantum networks that could play a significant role in building scalable fault tolerant quantum computers. She enjoys writing poetry, listening music and cycling. She is passionate about her work and is glad to be a part of Qovelab team.


Job Titles:
  • Principal Investigator
Steven earned his bachelor from Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris-Saclay and his PhD from Yale University from the group of Michel Devoret. His work focused on stabilizing bosonic codes in superconducting circuits. He then worked as a post-doc at the National University of Singapore on quantum information processing with neutral Strontium atoms. In 2021, Steven was awarded the National Research Foundation Fellowship (Class of 2022) to start a new research initiative in Singapore focusing on building quantum networks of superconducting circuits. He was appointed as a Presidential Young Professor in the departments of Material Science and Engineering as well as the department of Physics.