RPM - Key Persons

Michael O'Hare - Founder, President

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • President
Captain Michael O'Hare has spent 22 years with the City of Houston, TX Fire Department. During his tenure, he has had many opportunities to learn and grow. For the past 14 years, he has worked in the rescue services division of the department. Currently, he serves as the Rescue Training Officer. Mike's approach to training is unique. He believes in going "Back to Basics" and training on the fundamentals until they become second nature. This approach helps his team to be well-prepared for any situation. Mike believes that we often complicate our training and responses. Just because we have equipment on the truck, it doesn't mean we should always use it. More isn't always better. Mike sets his team up for success in real-life situations by focusing on reality-based training. He believes that we should reserve the "what if's" for conversations and not use them to intimidate or make our people fail during training. Mike's belief in his team and their training has helped to create a well-oiled rescue division within the Houston, TX Fire Department.