Alex Tressler

Job Titles:
  • Commercial Manager
Alex supports Wairakei's partners to reach their full potential. As commercial manager, he shapes thriving, long-term relationships with our partners, ensuring each of our partnerships are built for success. Alex also manages the intricacies of efficient water allocation and its surrounding regulations.

Angela Bull - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive

Evan Howard

Job Titles:
  • Land Information Manager

John Isaacs

Job Titles:
  • Estate and Asset Supervisor
John keeps things ticking on the ground at Wairakei. As the head of our asset maintenance team, John and his crew keep the Estate looking and functioning its very best. This includes ensuring entrance ways, roading networks and conservation areas are in top-notch condition.

Karin Botha

Job Titles:
  • Office Manager

Regan Wright

Job Titles:
  • General Manager
Regan is our team leader. He is the touchpoint between our people, our partners and our community. Regan is responsible for executing our strategy, steering sustainable growth and overseeing the ins and outs of our operations.

Robin Gerding

Job Titles:
  • Conservation Manager
Robin champions all things conservation. From spearheading planting programmes and actively managing protected areas, to eradicating pests and earmarking future environmental projects, Robin is a linchpin in our sustainability strategy. Discover more about what Robin does.