Arturo Puente

Job Titles:
  • Senior Software Developer
Arturo is our Senior Full-stack Software Engineer at CloudForecast. He helps us design, architect, plan and build new features for our users.

Emmanuel Gomez

Job Titles:
  • Technology Partner
Emmanuel Gomez is our Technology Partner, and his primary responsibility is to understand prospective users' use cases and problems related to AWS costs. His goal is to discover ways we can be helpful and bring value to their day-to-day operations. When he's not chatting with users, Emmanuel enjoys indulging in his passion for BBQ. He spends hours perfecting his smoking and grilling techniques. In addition to BBQ, he also loves playing chess and guitar.

Fernando Mendoza

Job Titles:
  • Software Engineer
Fernando is our Full-stack Software Engineer here at CloudForecast. He helps us build cool new products and features for our customers. When not slinging amazing code, he enjoys playing football, dancing, and drawing characters from his favorite manga/anime.

Francois Lagier - CTO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • CTO
Francois is our CFO (Chief *French* Officer). He runs the tech side of CloudForecast with Kattya and always asks Tony for customer feedback. When he is not building CloudForecast, you can find him running/biking around San Francisco or watching a Marseille (his hometown) soccer game. His latest passion: making and eating fresh pasta using the flour + water cookbook.

Kacy Fortner - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • Technical Advisor
Kacy is a guru at saving money on AWS. So much so that you sometimes can find him suggesting ways to rebalance Reserved Instances to strangers on the bus. You can often find him hanging out in parks with CloudForecast's Chief Security Officer, Charlie. He's also an avid homebrewer and fan of the best college basketball team in the world.

Tony Chan - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Co - Founder
Tony runs the business operations at CloudForecast, customer success, support, marketing, and sales. Outside of work, Tony enjoys reading about Asian-American history, Asian cuisines, and visiting Chinatowns around the world. Raised in the south side of Chicago, he loves the White Sox, Da Bulls, Da Dears, Polish Sausages, Hot Dogs, and Mike Ditka.