FAYUS - Key Persons

Ambassador Patricia Moller

Job Titles:
  • Ambassador
  • Member of the Board of Directors
  • Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Guinea Gas International
Following a highly-awarded 25-year diplomatic career, Ambassador Patricia N. Moller left active service with the U.S. Department of Sate to return to the private sector. Under the umbrella of her Moller Global Advisory LLC consultancy, she has counseled a number of corporations, including Fortune 500 companies, seeking guidance on doing business in developing countries, many of them in Africa. She has advised on business development, agriculture, and extractive mineral and metal matters and on engaging effectively with governments. During the 2014 West African Ebola crisis, she was one of four founding members of the Ebola Private Sector Mobilization Group that consolidated and rationalized the efforts of groups from both the public and private sectors who were committed to assisting victims, arresting the disease and restarting economic activity in afflicted zones. Ambassador Moller serves as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Guinea Gas International. She sits on the Board of Directors of Hyperdynamics, chairing its Foreign Affairs Committee, on the Board of Directors of Orbis International and on the Board of Directors of Orbis UK. She is a member of the Board of Advisors of the Initiative for Global Development, and for the Global Situation Room. She acts as senior advisor to the Business Council for International Understanding. She is a judge for the Young Africa Leadership Initiative - YALI - grants awarded to entrepreneurs through the U.S. Africa Development Foundation and for the Lexlead Group annual scholarship competition. The Ambassador's diplomatic career was distinguished by service largely in developing countries with challenging political environments. During the Balkan conflict that ended only after the 1999 NATO bombing, Ambassador Moller was central to maintaining Embassy operations during three turbulent years, finally shepherding the U. S. Ambassador and senior Embassy officers onto a U.S. Navy jet the morning before bombing began. As Country Officer for Vietnam, she directed negotiations that reestablished U.S. - Vietnam diplomatic ties. In the Republic of Georgia as Deputy Ambassador, she guided Embassy Tbilisi's support to Georgian democratic process during the tempestuous days of the Rose Revolution. In Guinea, her leadership and engagement are credited with averting civil war, persuading Guinea's military ruler to step down, and with success of the electoral process. For her commitment and accomplishment, she was awarded a Presidential Service Award and the State Department's Robert Frasure Award known as its Peace Prize, and was invested by the President of Guinea as a member of the National Patriotic Order of Guinea, rank of Commander. Before joining the Department of State, Ambassador Moller worked as an investment banker with Smith Barney Harris Upham. She earned a BA honors degree in history, receiving her degree from the University of Tampa. Ambassador Moller speaks German, conversational French, and elementary Serbian and Russian.

Dr. Mima S. Nedelcovych

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Directors
  • Founder and Chairman of AfricaGlobal Schaffer
  • Member of the Board of Directors / Education
Dr. Nedelcovych is the Founder and Chairman of AfricaGlobal Schaffer, a strategic consulting firm focused on project development, project finance, trade facilitation, and public-private partnerships in developing countries, with a particular focus on Africa. AfricaGlobal Schaffer (AfGS) is a project developer and boutique consulting firm that provides advisory services to a number of corporations with interests in agro-industry, renewable power, oil and gas, and major infrastructure investments. AfGS has also provided advisory and consulting services to a number of African governments, US government agencies, and international financial institutions. Dr. Nedelcovych is past President & CEO of the Initiative for Global Development (IGD), a nonprofit organization that engages corporate leaders to reduce poverty through business growth and investment in Africa. During the four years of his tenure, he significantly grew the African SME participation in the Frontier 100 Leaders Program, and expanded IGD's advisory capacity and strengthened the voice of private sector leaders on development issues.

Eric Stief

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Directors
  • Business Partner in Strategic Partnerships at JPG Resources
  • Member of the Board of Directors / Education
Eric brings more than 25 years of diverse experience in product development, business planning, new company formation and technology transfer spanning multiple industries, including food and life sciences, automotive and consumer goods technologies. As business partner in strategic partnerships at JPG Resources, Eric prepares clients for financing and assists in their product launch planning and execution. Additionally, Eric serves as a Principal in RCV Frontline, a JPGR associated venture capital fund focused on early-stage food and beverage ventures. Eric also leads special projects for JPG Resources including: Helping Private Equity firms seek investment opportunities in food production facilities; and driving financing and growth efforts with JPG Resources' sister organization Snackwerks, a contract manufacturing bakery located in Battle Creek Michigan. In addition to his role at JPG Resources, he is a co-founder of Altes, a craft beer startup in Detroit and serves on the advisory board at both the James and Patricia Anderson Engineering Ventures Institute and the Cask and Kettle spirit's company. Early in his career, Eric worked at Kellogg Company where he prototyped and launched multiple new brands. After leaving Kellogg he returned to university full time graduate school studies, and switched his focus from scientific research to business by joining FMC Corporation to coordinate merger and acquisition activities and develop business plans for new business ventures. After FMC, he returned to Michigan to work with Wayne State University and Delphi Corporation, where he focused on technology licensing and new startup venture creation. While at WSU he also created and ran a hands-on program helping WSU students to start their own ventures. After working with Delphi and WSU, he concurrently helped launch two startup ventures. Battle Creek Ingredients has helped major food companies to launch innovative new food products and AutoHarvest Foundation enables automotive industry innovators to collaborate using social media tools. After exiting these startups, he returned to the Technology Transfer space where he ran the office and redesigned operations, reset the strategy and outreach, drove the depth and quality of the disclosure process and significantly improved the licensing deal flow and startup company formations at Beaumont Health, a large regional hospital system and research institute. Eric served for multiple terms on the Board of Directors for Michbio, a Michigan life sciences industry association. Eric holds a bachelor's degree in food engineering from Michigan State University and has an MBA from University of Michigan Ross School of Business.

Fatai Yusufu - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder

George Bush - President

Job Titles:
  • President

Mrs. Kemi Yusufu - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
Mrs. Yusufu is Co-Founder, Vice President and a member of the Board of Directors of Fayus, Inc. Using her 28 years of experience and expertise in the specialty food industry, Mrs. Yusufu develops and implements the company's strategic plans for sourcing and procuring specialty food products in accordance with the company's goals and needs. Based on her extensive knowledge of the West African (ECOWAS) economic market and strongly developed relationships with global specialty food producers, she liaises with small holder famers to ensure qualitative production that conforms to safety guidelines established by the FDA's Food Safety Modernization Act. She has established qualified distribution channels with numerous companies in Nigeria, Benin, Togo and Ghana for food import and export between Africa and the United States to ensure continuity of supply to clients driven by market trends and consumer demand. Mrs. Yusufu manages and coordinates all transactions along the company's inbound and outbound logistic value chains to ensure timely delivery of goods and is responsible for overseeing the company's domestic and international sales force of 215 employees. Mrs. Yusufu holds an Associate Degree in Culinary Discipline from Laney College, Oakland, CA. Her keen understanding of the importance of food safety and sanitation protocols has proven to be a valuable asset to the company when working with the company's client base of Supermarkets, Retail Outlets, Independent Restaurants and Institutional Food Service establishments.

Rachel Walker

Job Titles:
  • Project Manager
  • Secretary of the Board of Directors
As the Fayus, Inc. Board Secretary, Rachel supports the Board's organizational needs and achievement of its goals and operations in accordance with its by-laws. In collaboration with the Chairman of the Board, Rachel develops Board agendas, records and distributes accurate minutes of each Board meeting and ensures that the minutes are approved by the Board in a recorded vote. She also maintains records of all Board meetings and ensures that the legal and contractual records of the company are maintained and secured in a safe manner. In addition to her duties as Board Secretary, Rachel serves as a Project Manager for the company and is responsible for providing support and creating balance in the time and scope of projects by applying best practices and strategies in project execution, product development and expansion and distribution recruitment. She possesses two decades of experience in administrative support and operations coordination coupled with a vast number of skills, knowledge, and experience in accounting and finance, food product development and distribution, e-commerce and web development/management, event planning, customer service management, market research, and logistics management. In addition to holding a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting, Rachel has continued to further her education and add to her skill sets by acquiring several associate degrees in accounting, business and social science.

Thomas P. Sheehy

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Directors
  • Member of the Board of Directors / Education
Tom Sheehy has decades of public policy and communications success, particularly in the foreign policy, national security, and international economics fields. Before founding Quinella Global, he served as Staff Director of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the U.S. House of Representatives for six years. Chaired by Representative Ed Royce, the committee has jurisdiction over all elements of U.S. foreign policy, including operations of the State Department, U.S. Agency for International Development, and Overseas Private Investment Corporation. Tom was responsible for all committee functions, including goal-setting, its $7.5 million annual budget, oversight hearings, communications, working with congressional leadership offices and other national security committees, and managing legislation.

Unnikrishnan R. Unnithan

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Directors
  • Member of the Board of Directors / Education
With over 36 years of experience in FMCG, oils & fats, oleochemicals, nutraceuticals and biofuel industries, Mr. UR Unnithan has held senior management and leadership roles in Unilever, Twenty First Century Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd and Carotino Sdn Bhd. Presently, he is the Founder and CEO of SUMWIN Group, with its holding company in Singapore and operations in Malaysia and India; involved in creating novel products using proprietary technologies based on R&D commercialization which will have a huge impact on value addition in the palm oil industry. His contribution to the palm oil industry became more prominent when he was heading Carotino Sdn Bhd; a palm oil downstream business for 22 years prior to his own business venture. There, he was instrumental in building this business from concept to R&D commercialization, brand development, collaborating with leading institutions around the world on international research projects and setting up a world class manufacturing facility operated by a team of dedicated professionals. Among the key R&D commercialization successes at Carotino were the red palm oil technology, phytonutrient extraction technology, loop reactor based on MCT technology, high value palmitic & oleic acids from PFAD, methyl ester fractionation plant for feedstock for detergent intermediates (MES) and also the world's first integrated palm oil biodiesel plant including winter grade palm biodiesel. Most of these were the first of its kind technologies in the world. Through his own current venture, several new and first of its kind technologies have been developed for the palm oil industry; which includes the Patented reduction of 3-MCPDE & GE technology in refined palm oil with the lowest capital and operating expenditure (this technology won the IChemE Palm Oil Award in 2020), continuous glycerolysis of waste oils from palm oil industry to produce a cost-effective feedstock for biodiesel and animal feed, continuous saponification of calcium soap to produce a product that eliminates powder formation, process technology to produce cold flow improver for palm olein and biodiesel, and cost effective vortex based cavitation process technology to enhance bio-gas generation. Besides, SUMWIN Group, Unnithan has also Co-Founded DIBIZ (a cloud based Block Chain powered Collaborative Supply Chain Platform(www.dibizglobal.com)) in Feb 2019 headquartered in Singapore with Software Development team based in Bangalore, India and Marketing operations in Malaysia (DIBIZ Malaysia Sdn Bhd). DIBIZ has been selected as one of the few Tech Start Ups under the Microsoft for Start Ups. Microsoft has also shortlisted DIBIZ as a Sustainability partner. This Platform has been launched in Oct 2020 at POC 2020 and has the potential to digitally transform Palm Oil supply chains. Mr. Unnithan's work in the palm oil industry is not limited only to his company. He has also contributed his time as a member of the Programme Advisory Committee under MPOB (from 2010 - 2016) and also Technical & Marketing Promotion Sub-Committee for Americas under MPOC. He is also currently the President of the Malaysian Biodiesel Association (MBA) and has led the Association since its inception in 2008. He was instrumental in the implementation of the national biodiesel mandate, where he had led the industry in discussions and gave presentations to the relevant Government Ministries / agencies (MPI, MPOB & MPOC) and also the Malaysian Cabinet. He was also instrumental in establishing the pricing formula for biodiesel which is currently in use as part of the biodiesel pricing mechanism in the national mandate. The national biodiesel mandate began in 2011 with B5 (blending of 95% diesel with 5% palm methyl ester) and through the culmination of hard work and leadership by him and his MBA Executive Committee members; has now progressed to B10 in the transport sector and B7 the industrial sector. The biodiesel industry today is recognized as an important part of the palm oil industry; playing a crucial role in price support for CPO, savings in foreign exchange on diesel, reduction of GHG emissions and providing a significant contribution to the Malaysian GDP. Without Mr. Unnithan's intellectual insights coupled with his absolute dedication in time and unwavering commitment in effort, the MBA and the biodiesel industry would not otherwise enjoy its high level of success that it does today. Mr. Unnithan holds a Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering and recognized as a distinguished alumnus of India's premier Chemical Technology Institute. He also received a Gold Medal for his MBA Programme at the National University of Singapore (1997-1999) and a graduate of the Advanced Management Programme from Harvard Business School (2015). With his chemical engineering background and also the achievements over the years, he is also made a fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK and also the Malaysian Institute of Management. He also holds 4 patents in the oils and fats field.