Andrew Engel

Job Titles:
  • Chief

Juan Sequeda

Job Titles:
  • Principal Scientist
Meet Juan: who turned his Ph.D. research into a successful company, Capsenta, and now is a Principal Data Scientist at He believes data management needs a paradigm shift and that shift is including social aspect to the business.

Kelly Burdine

Job Titles:
  • Director of Data Science and Analytics @ Wellthy

Meet Andrew

Job Titles:
  • Chief Data Scientist at RasgoML
Meet Andrew, Chief Data Scientist at RasgoML, who went from solving complex math problems as Applied Math Professor to building machine learning models to solve real-life business problems. He is someone who has seen the data space evolve over the years very closely. In this interview, read about his super interesting journey from being a professor at Towson University to Chief Data Scientist at RasgoML and why he believes with the emerging times the boundary between data scientist and data engineer have diminished.

Vladyslav Hrytsenko

Job Titles:
  • CTO @ Mighty Digital