Brian Lee - CMO

Job Titles:
  • Marketing Director
Youngseo is a dedicated student at KAIST University, where he is studying Innovation and Technology Management. With a strong desire to make a positive impact in the world, he has already accomplished great things as a member of the Project Given team. His passion for using technology to benefit those in need has been instrumental in our success and we are grateful for his contributions. We can't wait to see what he will do next as he continues to help us achieve our mission of supporting, uplifting, and transforming children around the globe.

Donna Marie

Job Titles:
  • Senior Director
Donna is a kind and caring individual with a deep love for helping others. She is a dedicated volunteer who is passionate about serving her community and her church. Whether through her work with charitable organizations or her personal acts of kindness, Donna is always looking for ways to make a positive difference in the world.

Erica Chan

Job Titles:
  • Regional Director
  • Regional Director for Project Given and a Accomplished Graduate of Hong Kong University
Erica is a regional director for Project Given and a accomplished graduate of Hong Kong University, where she studied business and excelled in her studies. In her role as the head of the HKU BBA (IBGM) Publicity Department, she demonstrated strong leadership skills and a passion for business. In her role with Project Given, Erica is dedicated to using her skills and knowledge to make a positive impact in the lives of children around the globe.

Esther Kim

Esther is an undergraduate computer science major and Assistant IT teacher. She is interested in the intersection of technology and society, and the ways in which it impacts individuals and communities. In her free time, Esther enjoys gaming and reading diverse books.

James Kim

Job Titles:
  • Program Director
James is a rising senior with a passion for computer science and a talent for developing technology that connects people. As the program director for Project Given, he is committed to using his skills and knowledge to support and empower children around the globe. We are grateful for his leadership and contributions to our team and know that he will continue to make a positive impact in the world through his work.

Joel Shin

Job Titles:
  • Regoinal Director

Ryan Chen - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
Ryan is a dedicated 11th grade student at his school and a dorm prefect. In addition to excelling in math competitions and enjoying fantasy football, he is passionate about serving his community and helping underprivileged children around the world. He is committed to making a positive impact wherever he goes.

Scott Burke

Job Titles:
  • Senior Director

Yena Cho

Job Titles:
  • Regoinal Director
Yena is a talented and ambitious student who is entering her junior year at Sejong Global High School. In addition to being a Times Core reporter, she is passionate about reading and writing and is always looking for new ways to improve her skills. With a strong desire to make a positive impact in the world, Yena is dedicated to using her talents and knowledge to make a difference in the lives of others.