Andy Stevens - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Executive Director
Andy is a result-focused leader, with years of experience and notable achievements in the development and manufacture of opto-electronic, photonic and electronic products. He has a proven track record for building and leading successful product teams that take innovative products from conception through to high-volume manufacturing. Andy is acknowledged for his ability to develop and maintain long-term successful relationships with partners, suppliers, and customers around the globe.

Belinda Langman

Job Titles:
  • Vice President of Business Operations
Belinda has a strong organizational and accounting background spanning 30 years, gaining experience from roles in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom. She is responsible for the manufacturing, quality assurance, and procurement and logistics teams, as well as day-to-day operations across the company's offices in New Zealand, USA and Thailand.

Billy Aucamp - CFO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Finance
  • Operations Executive
Billy is an experienced finance and operations executive with over 30 years experience in high growth technology, FMCG , software as a service, manufacturing and construction sectors. He has a strong track record of continuous improvement of financial reporting systems, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions and improving business performance.

Brent Robinson

Job Titles:
  • Independent Director
Brent Robinson is a well-known New Zealand technology leader and innovator. As Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Rakon for over 35 years, he grew Rakon into a global leader in the frequency control product industry with annual sales of over NZ$128 million in 2021. Brent brings considerable experience in validating and growing export markets, product development, and market leadership across highly-technical market segments. He also understands the challenges and unique advantages of building a technology export business and global organisation headquartered in New Zealand.

Caroline Williams - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman
  • Director
Caroline is an experienced director of high-growth companies, with extensive experience in the telecommunications, financial and professional services industries. She has held senior roles at Telecom (now Spark), Crown Infrastructure Partners, and Deloitte and brings extensive experience negotiating high value business acquisitions, joint ventures, and technology deals in New Zealand and globally. She is currently the chair of Easy Crypto and a director of a major event host organisation funded by MBIE and Auckland Unlimited.

Daniel Henmi

Job Titles:
  • Vice President of Sales - North America
Dan is based in southern California and is responsible for leading and growing our sales capabilities, developing our strategy for working with external reps/distributors and growing our product sales in North America.

Iannick Monfils

Job Titles:
  • Executive Director
Iannick has over 20 years' experience in the photonics and telecommunications industries. He manages all aspects of Quantifi Photonics' product life cycle. Iannick has been responsible for inventing and bringing to market over 20 product families and is passionate about digital signal processing and continues to develop algorithms for coherent communications.

Jo van der Burgh

Job Titles:
  • Vice President of Corporate Development
Jo has held a variety of executive roles for over 25 years. At Quantifi Photonics, Jo is responsible for exploring, accessing and matching cutting-edge photonics technologies with the diverse needs of our customers. He enjoys finding new ways to solve complex test and measurement challenges and helping our engineers develop innovative solutions.

Kees Propstra

Job Titles:
  • Vice President of Marketing General Manager Quantifi Photonics USA
Kees has over 20 years of experience in product management and technology marketing, including roles at JDS Uniphase, Optun, Tektronix and MultiLane. He completed a Master of Science in physics and a post-graduate degree in modern optics from the University of Twente in the Netherlands.

Lance Wiggs

Job Titles:
  • Non - Executive Director
  • Co - Founder of Punakaiki Fund
Lance is the co-founder of Punakaiki Fund and a principal with Lance Wiggs Capital Management, the manager of the fund. Lance combines a wide variety of global experiences with helping high-growth companies in New Zealand. Lance has an MBA from Yale University (Strategy, Finance) and a Bachelor of Technology (Hons, Product Development) from Massey University. He has been a regular judge for the Hi-Tech Awards, BNZ Start-Up Alley and other events.

Matt Simpson

Job Titles:
  • Vice President of Engineering
Matt has extensive experience in leading product development teams and delivering high-tech products to a global market. He is passionate about product development and takes a strategic view, focusing on the end to end value-chain and building strong technical and delivery capability. Matt leads the Product Engineering Group at Quantifi Photonics.

Roy Moody

Job Titles:
  • Non - Executive Director
  • Chief Executive Officer of Field Services Management SaaS
Roy is the Chief Executive Officer of Field Services Management SaaS company vWork and former Executive Director and CEO of Phitek Systems Limited. Roy has over 20 years' experience leading design, product and process innovation for highly successful New Zealand based export businesses delivering commercially successful technology products to the global market. Originally an engineer, Roy brings a strong focus on innovation, strategy, governance, team building and process development.