REZVANI LAB - Key Persons

Calvin Lee Classon

Calvin is a molecular medicine master student at the Charite, with a BSc in biomedical sciences. He enjoys all things cell culture, and is fascinated by the potential of CRISPR technologies for the treatment of diseases. When he isn't spying on his microscopic subjects, he enjoys drinking and educating himself on tea and dances and teaches Salsa

Emmy Noether

Job Titles:
  • Programme - German Research Foundation ( DFG ) - 11 / 2021

Fred Lovejoy

Job Titles:
  • Research Award - Boston Children 's Hospital, Harvard Medical School - 04 / 2020

Julian Weihs

Job Titles:
  • Student
Julian is from Berlin. He is very captivated by how our body cells do their job and how we could support or regenerate them when they lose their native function. He studied biology at the Humboldt University Berlin in his bachelor degree and molecular medicine at the Charité in his master program. When he is not pipetting liquids from one tube into another, he enjoys long walks and watching plays at the theater.

Milad "Milo" Rezvani

Job Titles:
  • Pediatrician
Milo is a Pediatrician and Regenerative Liver Biologist who takes care of children and young adults with gastrointestinal and liver diseases. Since Medical School, when he cared for his first patients with devastating liver diseases, he is passionate about establishing regenerative therapies for end-stage liver diseases.

Natalia Martagón

Job Titles:
  • Lab Manager
  • Lab Manager of the Rezvani
Natalia is the lab manager of the Rezvani lab. She holds a B.S./M. S. in Biomedical Research and Biochemistry from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Natalia has worked in various Mexican and German research institutions, including the Max Planck Institute and University Hospital in Freiburg (Germany). Her work has ranged from yeast signal transduction to phagocytosis and developmental hematopoiesis. Natalia is always curious about immunology, evolutionary and regenerative biology.