Andrey Rayboy

Job Titles:
  • Network Administrator & Security Specialists
Andrey keeps our clients' networks safe and secure.

Anne Ross

Job Titles:
  • Office Manager & Accounting
Anne has 12+ years experience with managing accounts, client services, accounting and many other office responsibilities. She helps keep everything running smoothly at the Triangle IT Group by making sure our business and clients are taken care of.

Arosh Laksan

Job Titles:
  • Certified System and Network Administrator
Responsible for developing monitoring corporate networks, operating systems, backups and other mission critical applications.

Joseph Martin - CEO, President

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • President
Joseph started working on computer systems in 1989 during his 6 years in the US Navy. He started his first business fixing peoples computers in 1993 while still in the military. In 1995, after being honorably discharged, he started a retail computer company. After 3 years in the retail world, he changed the focus to providing support to small businesses. Over the course of his 20 years in business, Joseph Martin established a reputation of being the 'go to' guy when it comes to computer and network systems.

Rick Rosser

Job Titles:
  • IT Technician
After retiring from the US Navy as a combat photographer, Rick decided to followed his passion for computers. Being a voracious reader he learned everything he could about computers and networks. He continued his learning with college classes and getting multiple professional computer certifications.

Todd Mason

Job Titles:
  • IT Technician
With over 15 year of IT experience in the IT field makes Todd a valuable asset for us and our clients.