AB Andy Bygrave

Job Titles:
  • in 2023 As an Insurance & Risk Consultant
  • Insurance & Risk Consultant
Andy joined Gibbs Laidler in 2023 as an insurance & risk consultant from his previous role as Head of Sales at one of the housing sector's largest insurance brokers. His 18 years of specialist experience brings a wealth of knowledge to our clients, who benefit from his dynamic approach. Andy has unparalleled connections with the wider insurance and risk management markets; this means he is typically at the forefront of innovative solutions to insurance issues which associations may face now, but also in the future.

BG Becky Gates

Job Titles:
  • Account Executive
Becky joined the Gibbs Laidler team in April 2022 as an Account Executive, to support our retained client services team. She has over 5 years' experience in Commercial and Property insurance having previously worked as an Account Executive alongside Gibbs Laidler team member Juliet Ede, for the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), and then as a Manager of a large Commercial and Property team in her previous roles. Becky is Cert CII qualified and will be bringing her knowledge of Commercial and Property insurance to the Gibbs Laidler team to identify areas of vulnerabilities to insurance risks and recommending remedies for these, assisting the retained services team in continuing to provide an excellent and valued service to its clients.

CG Chris Gibbs

Job Titles:
  • Founder and Insurance Risk Consultant
Chris Gibbs has a degree in law from the University of Oxford, and is a Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute. He worked as an insurance broker from 1985, with international and local companies, until the formation of Gibbs Laidler in 1997. As a new business broker and report writer with Willis Corroon he was involved in the detailed review of risks of all kinds including work with captive insurers and other non-conventional risk financing mechanisms and the provision of insurance and risk management solutions for major organisations. With Gibbs Laidler, Chris has carried out insurance service reviews, risk mapping exercises and specialist studies into latent defects, self-insurance and tenants contents insurance, working for many housing associations and major companies in other sectors. He works principally on the technical aspects of the procurement and risk analysis elements of insurance reviews, and supports clients with claims information and cost analysis issues, as well as the analysis of current insurance and service arrangements.

GK Geoff Keig

Job Titles:
  • Insurance & Risk
  • Insurance and Risk Specialist
Geoff is an insurance and risk specialist with extensive experience gained in both the housing sector and the wider UK Commercial sector. As an Insurance Broker for thirty years, Geoff has spent his career in client-facing roles seeking to understand and cover risks faced by those clients. He experience includes successfully running Insurance businesses, therefore, offering a well-rounded appreciation of the pressures on all participants in the Housing Insurance sector. Joining Gibbs Laidler in 2022, his unique experience is a great benefit to our clients and negotiations with brokers and insurers. A keen advocate for modern insurance products, Geoff first introduced Cyber Insurance products to the Housing sector back in 2010. Since that time Geoff has maintained his interest in the evolution of Cyber Insurance and, as Co-Chair of Stackhouse Poland's cyber forum, won a British Insurance Award in 2017 for work in this area. Lately, he has been keeping a weather eye on parametric insurance products and the part they may have yet to play in the wider insurance sphere.

IB Ian Balchin

Job Titles:
  • Insurance and Risk
Ian joined the Gibbs Laidler team in September 2018. He is a retained consultant to Gibbs Laidler for his expert knowledge in construction risks, gained through a long career working for Willis Towers Watson and Stewart Wrightson Construction. Having written various published articles on Performance Bonds, Professional Indemnity and Collateral Warranties, he is able to answer specific questions on technical topics.

JA Jenny Aley

Job Titles:
  • Partner and Insurance Risk Consultant

JE Juliet Ede

Job Titles:
  • Account Manager
Juliet joined the Gibbs Laidler team in 2019 as an Account Manager, coming from an insurance broking background, having previously worked as an Account Handler specialising in SME commercial insurance since 2012. Juliet's experience saw her progressing to a Corporate Account Executive role for the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) in 2015. As a result she is adept at analysing larger companies with more complex insurance needs, to help identify risks and provide an insurance solution; a skill which has been invaluable for her client support at Gibbs Laidler. Juliet is Cert CII qualified and her insurance specialisms range from property to construction to care homes; her breadth of knowledge has been an asset to Gibbs Laidler in providing analysis of the risks faced by Housing Associations. From identifying discrepancies in policy schedules and wordings, leading to questioning covers and making clarifications with insurers. Juliet supports in producing and developing our retained consultancy service offerings, for example providing detailed analysis of stock reinstatement benchmarks and researching solutions for trickier risks. Most importantly, Juliet's role is to make the annual process of insurance easier for our clients by correlating information and offering bespoke reports utilising the breadth of information available to Gibbs Laidler through our unique position in the market.

Jenny Aley MIRM

Jenny is an insurance professional of thirty years standing, with over twenty years dedicated to Insurance Management in the Social Housing sector. During her career Jenny has gained her knowledge as an underwriter, a general broker and a specialist social housing broker, working for two of the largest specialist providers of insurance to the sector. Jenny left the Social Housing sector in 2013 to gain greater compliance, risk and Health and Safety experience from the wider commercial world, and since returning to the sector in 2017, has worked with a number of clients to achieve compliant and successful outcomes during their tender process. As a result, Jenny in her role at Gibbs Laidler is retained by many Associations across the UK to continue her ongoing risk and insurance appraisal, finding the solutions needed for the developing and changing landscape of social housing risk.

JF James Foreman

Job Titles:
  • Partner and Operations & Finance
James Foreman has a BA(Hons) qualification in Business Management, starting as a graduate to become a vital member of the Gibbs Laidler Team. As the manager responsible for Operations and Finance, James plays a key role in the functioning of the business, from meeting FCA requirements through finance declaration to streamlining business practices, ensuring efficient and smooth-running services for our clients. His remit also includes Tender Management functions with experience running a Tender from pre-planning stages to implementation following an Contract Award Notice alongside specialist consultants, as well as developing the Gibbs Laidler Tender Management portal. Working with Gibbs Laidler since 2015 James skills are tailored to the needs of our clients in the social housing sector, and he strives to build and develop his knowledge to provide offerings that continually add value to our portfolio of clients.

JF Jeremy Flint

Job Titles:
  • Partner and Insurance Risk Consultant
Jeremy is an insurance and insurable risk specialist with extensive experience designing, procuring, and managing complex insurance programmes for Housing Associations, new transfer organisations, ALMOs and Housing PFIs. Jeremy is Cert CII qualified and has worked exclusively in the field of social housing insurance for over twenty years. He brings an eye for detail and a wealth of technical insurance expertise to complement strong strategic ideas. His keen focus is on improving the management of insurance Procurement through a pragmatic approach which delivers a compliant and robust Tender process and firm foundations for ongoing service delivery. Jeremy joined Gibbs Laidler in December 2016 from NHF Insurance Services where he was instrumental in establishing a bespoke Tender management consultancy for members of the NHF and CHC. Prior to his work with NHFIS, Jeremy was an Insurance Consultant with Capita for two years and an Insurance Broker for twenty-three years. He was a senior Account Director with two of the leading social housing Brokers for fourteen years.

JL Jeff Laidler

Job Titles:
  • Founding Partner & Insurance Risk Consultant
  • Member of the Chartered Insurance Institute
Jeff Laidler is a Member of the Chartered Insurance Institute and is an Associate of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. He also holds the Diploma of the National Examination Board for Occupational Safety and Health. Jeff has many years' experience in the insurance industry, having started work in 1980 initially as a Lloyd's broker in the City, then with major national and international brokers. He was involved with Coopers & Lybrand in the working party which developed the risk mapping techniques for housing associations and has a deep knowledge of the insurance exposures which RPs face. With Gibbs Laidler, Jeff continues to develop new solutions for particular risk exposures, including risk mapping and exposure identification techniques, as well as working with the Partners on all aspects of Gibbs Laidler's work for social landlords and other clients. He is also responsible for ensuring that we meet the ongoing needs of our major retained clients. Jeff Laidler and Chris Gibbs started Gibbs Laidler in 1997 with the purpose of providing an impartial insurance and risk advisory service.

KL Kay Laidler

Job Titles:
  • Partner and Insurance Risk Consultant
Kay Laidler has worked within the insurance industry since 1985 working for organisations based nationally and globally. Kay joined Gibbs Laidler in 2018 following 3 years as Managing Director for a regional Insurance Broker. Kay's experience also includes working for industry leaders, Arthur J Gallagher and Marsh as well as Lloyd's Brokers. Her expertise includes insurance due diligence for mergers, managing sales and general commercial insurance for multinational corporates. Kay's background fuels her role at Gibbs Laidler where she supports the development of technical insurance knowledge, and experience of the market. Kay's current focus within Gibbs Laidler is relationship building with prospects and providing compliance and insurance support across the partnership.

NH Nathan Hoskins

Job Titles:
  • Account Executive
Nathan joined the Gibbs Laidler team in September 2020 as a university placement, progressing within the organisation to Account Executive. With a background in data analysis and business strategy, Nathan provides dedicated and valuable services to our clients, specialising in tender management and bespoke client projects. Nathan is in the process of completing qualifications with the Chartered Insurance Institute and strives to gain a deep understanding of each of our clients, working with our highly qualified consultants to deliver tailored solutions to specific risks. With an excellent eye for efficiency and innovation, Nathan also works alongside James Foreman to provide streamlined processes for our clients.

VR Vicky Robinson

Job Titles:
  • Account Executive
Vicky joined Gibbs Laidler in October 2021 to support our retained client services team. She has over 15 years insurance broking experience from Sterling Insurance group. Vicky's background in personal lines, commercial open market and commercial schemes broking offers her an all around perspective for our clients. She brings a fresh energy and aims to grow her knowledge, with the help of the technical consulting team, to continue to bring valuable service to our retained client portfolio.