Adam G. Force - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • Founder
Yeah. Hey, I'm Adam gotta go. Man. Yeah, it you know, and I love seeing it go in this direction, this is something that I feel with the internet boom has been kind of it's, it's been derailed, right. But since that has happened, it's all about quick bait, who can get the most clicks and all these things, and it just had this quick shift. But that is, I think, caused a lot of red flags in people's minds as buyers and consumers and things like that. So now we have to navigate those things, you know, pop up blockers, right?

Deb Caviello

Job Titles:
  • Founder of Illumination Partners
Deb Caviello is the founder of Illumination Partners, a consulting agency for CEOs navigating change. At the same time, she is a trusted advisor, podcast host, and author. Deb brings along with herself about 25 years of experience in Quality & Operational Excellence roles + 20 years in the Flavors & Fragrance Industry. Throughout her career, she has worked together with her clients to help them identify, assess and solve problems that are preventing them from taking their business to the next level.

Deb Coviello

Job Titles:
  • Founder of Illumination Partners

Mike Dillard

Exactly. I mean, that one, Mike Dillard is a really good friend of mine. And Mike built this amazing show called self made man. I don't know if you ever watched it. I have. Yeah. But you know, we were talking you know, we were I was in Austin one time. And I said, How much like, are you? Are you spending on each episode is everything looked amazing? Everything is in studio and this and that? He's like, Oh, yeah, by the time I do one episode, like 15 grand or something like that. I was like, okay, so you're dropping 15 grand and episode, like, what are you? What are you getting out of this? Like, where are you retargeting people into some sales and like how, and it was really like this brand play, like he was just building he just wanted to build this brand. And it's never gonna over time, he might have had enough subscriptions and enough eyeballs and and not like subscribers and enough of those things that somebody might have wanted to absorb that network because there was value in the eyeballs. But that's a lot of money to sink for a long time to build a Huff Post to build these other things that then you can have advertisers come and give money to you. And there's you can do those same things in much less expensive ways and sell some stuff along the way. Right?

Parker Stevenson

Yeah. So again, my name is Parker Stevenson. I am the CO owner and Chief Business Officer for a bookkeeping firm called Evolved Finance. We really specialize in doing bookkeeping for online businesses. So a lot of you know, all of our clients are selling coaching programs and courses and membership sites and online services and influencer business models. just pretty much anyone not selling physical inventory. That's been our primary target audience. And I will admit, for me, I never thought I would be co owner of a bookkeeping business. It just was not the path I thought I'd be on but I was I kind of grew up feeling like I was a, you know, a creative identified as a creative and when I went to college, I started a band. I was a musician for a number of years and Los Angeles had a great time. And when the band broke up, decided, hey, what else do I like to do as I really like golf, and then move back down to San Diego from Los Angeles and go work for one of the big Gulf manufacturers. So I ended up getting a job at Adidas golf and I worked there for another five years. While I was in the band. I worked for an automotive consultant, which was kind of like a small online business really, at the time. It was a website database that all the big manufacturers subscribed to. So I kind of had a little taste to entrepreneurship, being in a band and working for a small business, make the move to Adidas, which was a tremendous experience. I kind of look at It is my NBA, because I just learned so much had some great mentors there. But also kind of realize, I don't think I want to be a little cog in a big machine. And so I was talking with my business partner, now business partner, Cory, who's really friend, him and his wife were best friends with my wife. And I was like, I think I can help you guys grow this business. And so took the leap of faith taught me how to do bookkeeping taught me about the financial side of online businesses. And I share all this because now I feel like, I'm kind of an expert on finance for small business. And I thought I was a creative, I thought I was gonna be a rock star. And so I like to use that as a story just to show people that, you know, we have so many clients that don't start businesses, because they're like, Oh, I can't wait to dive into spreadsheets and talk about taxes, you know, where we get into our businesses, because we want to make an impact, we want to make a good living, right, like all the reasons, but we get afraid that all this finance stuff, I don't get it, it seems to complicate I don't have to deal with it. And I'm a perfect example of someone who very easily could have been that person that would just avoid avoided numbers. But once I got exposure to it, with my time at Adidas, and, and obviously growing this business, and of all finance, I think we just all make it so much more complicated that we need to and that's a big part of what we're trying to do at Evolved Finance is just demystify this stuff and make it less intimidating, and really turn your numbers into an asset that helps your business grow.

Peter Docker

Job Titles:
  • Becoming a Great Leader for Your Business

Scott Turman

Job Titles:
  • Entrepreneur, Technologist
  • Founder and CEO at BrightRay Publishing
Scott Turman, the founder and CEO at BrightRay Publishing, in today's episode, talks about all the nitty-gritty details of what it takes to publish a book. Scott Turman is an entrepreneur, technologist, and author who's been looking forward to making book writing accessible. He started his career writing code as well as cryptographic systems for organizations, including:

Trey Lewellen

Job Titles:
  • Increase Monthly Sales With Your Ecommerce Business